Melony's Misfits

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TIME OF CREATION: around 2015, maybe when I was 16.

OVERARCHING IDEA: a paranormal concept that I may pursue again one day, but with different characters. Anyone ever read Lockwood and Co.? If not, would recommend. I love the descriptions in this, but I can't place a handful of details or a story exactly...




Once upon a time is such a cliché way to begin, but this did happen once upon a time, what time however is hard to determine.

All that's known is a long, long time ago, beyond the lifespan of those originally there, a man and a woman fell in love. They held a bond beyond each other, always together, falling deeper and deeper into their spiral.

The two got married, and a lived a happy life.

Until one day, they were forced apart. The woman died, forcing the two to exist within two different realms of the same world. A ghost of their relationship, a mere echo of what once use to be.

Love is a lovely illusion, one which cannot be forgotten easily.

And it was one the man wasn't willing to disremember. He wanted to see her, he wanted to hold her, touch her, and love her once more. And in his agony, he created The Rift.

The Rift was this opening between the living and the dead, a door opened which went against the universe's design. But the man unlocked the door to see his wife once again, and the wife was able to cross over to her lover's world, a new revolution of the permanency of death.

But an open door means a hole in a wall, in a barrier. One hole meant lingering cracks, with each time the door was opened, one ghost slipped out, or another opening was created elsewhere with no one there to close it. This man had singlehandedly broke the structure of nature.

Soon ghosts were haunting the living, upon a person's death they imprinted on this world, in the moment of confusion an echo of their previous selves, or even themselves as a whole, were lost within the realms and stayed behind; the raw emotion of their final moments being their only anchor.

The man and woman, however, were happy to be with one another. Until one day, the man couldn't see her, couldn't find her where she usually was. He approached a Rift and crossed to the land of the dead. But once someone enters the land of the dead, they do not ever return as the living.

The man who knew how to close these Rifts was now gone, and ghosts spilled from their world back into ours, refusing to be forgotten, to be nothing more than a faded memory.

But some were animalistic, savages of whom they use to be, hell bent on nothing more or less than dragging the living back with them to death. Adults couldn't see them, but children started to, noticing them, hearing them, causing a new generation of nightmares, and a new occupational demand for ghost hunters.

But what were people to do?

Adults were almost useless, kids being the only means of seeing the Rifts and the presences. Eventually, humankind learned, adapted. Generations passed with this new threat, and an entirely new method of seeing these entities.

But there was no solution within sight.

We just fight, and fight, and fight.

Until one side finally wins.

Chapter One

"So where are we going?"

"We just need to get away from this place for a while."

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