Butler: Pedigree

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TIME: 2017, aged 18

OVERARCHING CONCEPT: I wrote a blurb and everything for this, but there were parts in the story that I completely drew a blank for...

I think what I was going for initially was to have the head butler raise Clementine to be a 'high class lady' so she would get the approval of her Father who doesn't actually know or care that she exists. The butlers are the only ones who actually care about her, and there was gonna be emotional stuff and blah blah blah....



Clementine Jane Beech is a nine and a half little girl whose never met her father. Through letters alone Clementine's father is an adventurer, a God like man she has yet to meet, until her mother dies.

Everything she knew about him was a lie.

She is the unplanned successor of the Evelyn family, a rich family of high class and standards.

And butlers.

And now she has to change, be like the new brand of people, before the end of the year when she finally meets her father and her family.

But first she has to learn, and who better to teach her then Ronan Fritz, and his butlers.

But merely learning the new way of life is not enough, as there are many more factors then meets the eye. Being the successor of a wealthy family comes with it's downsides.



Chapter One

She stared out the window of the train, watching the country scenery fly past. She had never seen so many trees before, so much endless grass fields, so many animals and yet so little people on a transport. Looking around the train she only saw about five people in the same carriage as herself.

Looking up to the baggage racks she could see several large suitcases. She looked down to her bags, one being a suitcase the other being a small backpack, she wondered if she was supposed to have more. She didn't have too much more.

She also noticed she was significantly younger than the other people on the train. While she was nine and a half everybody else seemed in their forties and fifties.

Sitting by herself on the four seater she hugged her backpack. She wasn't going far, just to the main city. It was a half hour ride away by train or a twenty minute car ride. Apparently it wasn't going to be a huge change for her.

She pushed the backpack on her lap and unzipped it, rummaging through it she found an envelope with three letters in it, all from her father, a father she had never met.

All of her life it had just been herself and her mother, her father out of the picture due to an overseas job. She received letters and presents every now and then from him, and often dreamed of the world's greatest Dad. Her mother described a noble man, a gentleman, a father who wanted to meet her but just couldn't. She found something to love in this man that she had never met, and the gifts he gave her allowed her to believe he too loved her.

But letters and words were a powerful thing.

These letters retracted everything she thought she knew about him, all foundations of the God-like father, the world's greatest father, was replaced with confusion and a sense of anxiety.

My Dearest Clementine,

It has been a while since I have written back to you. I would be lying if I told you your mother's sudden passing didn't affect me. But I know that if this is hard for me, then I simply cannot imagine what it must be like for you.

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