3: Dance

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Inside the human body, roughly 37.2 trillion cells work energetically, all day everyday. 24 hours and 365 days. They are all working very hard.

Red Blood Cell and White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) are on their break. They got nothing to do.

They're just sitting on a bench.

"Ah! White blood cell! Do you know how to dance?" RBC asked
"Maybe a little. But why are you asking?" WBC said
"Well, I know how to dance but I haven't danced with someone before." RBC said

WBC looked down and blushed. Then he looked at RBC.

"Uhm, you haven't? Can I... dance with you?" WBC said

RBC suddenly turned red and she stands up.
"Y-YES! I WANT TO! >\\\<" RBC said
"Okay then." WBC stands up then holds RBC's both hands. He smiled, he put his hand on RBC's waist then his other hand that holds RBC's hand, he raised it up.
"White blood cell..." RBC turned really red then she puts her hand on WBC's shoulder.
"I don't know how to do it but, I'll try my best to be your Last First Dance Partner." WBC said
"T-Thanks..." RBC said

The two tried to do a slow dance. The two are really doing it well.
RBC smiled then WBC smiled back.
They do some dance like what couples do.

"I just want to slow dance with you. Why don't you take the chance i've got the moves I'd like to prove~" WBC sang
"Ahahaha" RBC laughed then she suddenly kissed WBC in the cheek. Now the two are dancing romantically.

Cells at Romance! (Hataraku Saibou fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now