4: Confession

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Inside the human body, roughly 37.2 trillion cells work energetically, all day everyday. 24 hours and 365 days. They are all working very hard.

White blood cell (Neutrophil) really has feelings for Red blood cell!
He wanted to confess to her but he couldn't do it.
He's actually on a break because there's no sense of germs yet to kill.
That moment, he encountered RBC once again!
"Eh? WHITE BLOOD CELL!!!" RBC yelled and gave WBC a tight hug
"Oh? Are you on your break?" WBC said
"Yes!" RBC said
"I see. Well, I have something to tell you." WBC said
"Woah! Is it about your working experience? Or maybe how hard it is to attack a germ?" RBC said with excitement
"Well not actually." WBC said
"Okay...TELL ME THEN *-*" RBC said
"It's, uhm, I," WBC said
"Hmm??" RBC smirked
"Well, you know we've been uhm meeting for quite some time so I don't know how to say this but I like you." WBC looked away and blushed
"E-Eh?! 0//-//0" RBC blushed
"Are you going to respond? If not, it's okay..." WBC said
"Of course! I've been waiting for something like this! Since the day you first saved me... You're like my knight and shining armor... My savior, my destiny. So... Yeah. I-I like you too White blood cell! >\\\<" RBC said then she blushed really red
"W-woah..." WBC blushed then he pulled RBC closer to him, then he kissed RBC in the lips
"W-white blood cell..." RBC stared at WBC then blushed
"So... I think I'm falling in love all over again." WBC said
"Me too..." RBC said then she hugged WBC tightly
"I love you." WBC said
"That's fast. WAHHHH I LOVE YOU TOO!!!" RBC jumped in happiness then she hugged WBC tightly once again.
"So, are we now dating?" RBC said
"Yes." WBC smiled then RBC jumped again and she said "Yahey!"

The two are finally in a relationship.

Author's noteeee (・∀・)
Did u guys like it? TAHAHAHAHA
So yeah, I was planning to do more Hataraku fanfics after finishing this.
And, I'll make some other fanfics from other fandoms.
So yeah hope u guys like this new chapter. Hihihi i'll write more ( '▽' )

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