(2) The Dream

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*****Dark fog surrounded the woods I was encircled in. I could barely make out the moon because of the fog's thickness. 

"What the hell?" I whispered to nothing but the trees. 

I looked around cautiously racking my mind as to where I was and how I arrived here.  

"Abigail!" someone, unidentified screamed interrupting my thoughts. 

I knew that voice, it was familiar but who was it?  

"Who's there?" I began running to where I had heard the screaming plea not thinking twice about the lurking dangers surrounding this situation. 

The voice was a male and I could hear his sobs as I ran into the woods.  

"Abbs darling! Where are you? Why haven't you come? You swore! You swore.." the man choked out. 

"I'm here! I am lost in these god forsaken trees! Where are you?!" I screamed back. 

He mustn't have heard me for he did not reply, instead he just kept relentlessly sobbing. I ran deeper into the woods, in desperate search of this man. I was beginning to feel awful that I might not be able to get to him in time for whatever is wrong with him, but then I tripped over what felt to be a body of an animal or.. "Oh my Lord!" I screamed as I realized it was no animal- but a human. 

A still lifeless one at that. As I respectfully got off of the man he looked at me and choked up blood as he let out a malicious smirk followed by a laugh. I got a little creped out and slowly tried to back away. 

"No use darling, I believe you have been tricked." the man who looked to be dying, although I couldn't see his face, had said. 

"wha..?" I began to ask as he stood up and his face and body began to morph into a demonic creature. I let out a pure shriek of terror.  

"You son of a bitch!" I screamed. As his dark almost red hand reached for my neck as he began to dig his fingernails into my skin.***** 

"No!" I screamed as I shot up in my bed. 

My body was drenched in sweat and my neck burned from the contact in the dream. I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't it just came out as me choking through sobs. Finally after what felt like forever my breath and my mind caught up with each other and with that my hand practically flew to my neck as a warm liquid dripped though my fingers.  

"Gross, swea.." I had said, pulling my hand into view, to my surprise there was blood a lot of it dripping from my neck onto my legs and my blanket. "Holy crap!" I whispered in a scream. I got out of bed glanced at my bedside clock- 2:30am, and ran into the bathroom. Once I reached it I shut the door, and turned on the lights. I looked in the mirror, and horror washed rapidly through me. There was blood running from the side of my neck all the way over my night shirt and to my thighs over my flannel night pants. My eyes had deep dark circles under them and my lips were almost blue as if I were dead my skin was even pale like a dead man. I turned the sink on then grabbed a washcloth out from the cupboard under the sink, and held it under the cold flowing water. After the rag was damp I pressed it to my neck, pain washed over me, and a shiver ran down my back as I washed the blood on my neck away. The blood had stopped coming from the wound but I was still drenched in it. I washed the rag out and put more water on it, as I washed the rest of the blood off. When I finished cleaning up the bathroom of my blood, I stared into the mirror again. Four fingernail marks covered the right side of neck, and a larger one on the other side my neck. It looked like I had scars from being strangled... but It was just a dream. How could that be possible? 

I ran back to my room and turned my light on. Blood was all over my white blankets covering my queen sized bed. The service will not enjoy cleaning this, I mentally snickered. I ran to the bed and stripped it down. I laid on my uncovered mattress and pulled a blanket out from under it. I covered up and tried to sleep, but the flashbacks of the dream were haunting me. Eventually I drifted to a deep sleep, only to be awoken two hours later by mom.  

"Abigail, wake up. First day of middle school today. Comm'on!" Mother asked as she pulled the covers off of my body. I turned over on my back and looked at mom. She was staring at me with her mouth slightly ajar. Was she about to scream? "Holy shit Abigail!" she screeched. 

Her eyes were locked on my neck. 

What the.. Oh! Crap, "Mom I have no clue what happened to my... ugh neck. Really I don't." I had said, she closed her mouth nodded once and scurried out without another word. I hate how she did that all the time. I remembered the dream and shuddered slightly. It was too real to be just a dream.  

I dismissed the thought and went to get ready for my first day of middle school. I will be such an outcast. A supposed to be sixth grader in seventh grade. Cheap.  

Seventh grade, my year. My time to start at the middle. I had made friends. Plenty of them, to be blunt on the first day. I fit in considering it was only my second year in school. A lot of boys asked me for my number I simply shook my head and declined, knowing what the perverts hitting puberty was going through there heads.  

The one new friend who truly made the difference all day was a particularly handsome young fellow. Jonny, and I instantly clicked he showed me to all of my classes and gave me his number telling me to call if I needed anything or just had a question. He was quite the character, he was the most trustworthy person any one knew so every kid told me. He was incapable of telling a lie I swear on it, and I've only known him for a day. Every one is plagued with their demons though- everyone. Jonny fit in every crowd. He wasn't in a specific "clique" but he put on a façade that made him look as if he told everyone everything I could pick through it he had a secret that was eating him alive. A hole- a void, that held something no one knew, but what?

--So, whatdya think?  


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