(7) Quest for the Rest

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Ok so this is chapter seven, It's the longest chapter and i have worked my but off. if it's confusing i'm sorry but theres alot of important stuff in this chapter. The plot is finally starting up, and i'd really appreciate if you would tell me how it was, lol well i will stop my rant and let you read now..... dont forget vote/fan/comment 


"What do you mean? Who is it that's coming for me? The dream guy? He's dead the shadow figures made him dissappear." I screamed, furious at only god knows what. For the moment the walls of reality have completely fell into powerfull amounts of debris. The sense of reality-gone and in the worst way possible.

"Abigail, look I know your just full of questions searching for answers. However, our main focus is breaking you out of this hospital. Then we will give you ten minutes to get a suitcase ready with a few outfits and some money." Ream said strictly, baring her eyes into my own.

Simply, I gave her a nod not wanting any further confrentation. Besides, if these people are just trying to kidnapp me they picked a great time. What do I have left to lose, my sanity? 

Precisely self- its long gone. 

"We have twelve minutes to get out of this hospital before they find we are here Ream." Clemt spoke calmly, obviously trying to make it sound as if its not really a big deal. Which in fact it is.

Before Ream could even nod, I had jumped out of bed. I went around the room and spotted my clothes I watched Jonny die in. I grabbed them and put them back on before Ream or Clemt saw me changing. When I was done I started towards the door and asked over my shoulder, "Are we not in a hurry? Come on."

Ream and Clemt smiled and grabbed my hands. We walked out slowly trying to find the quickest exit, and when we did- we took off. We ran through the hallways of the hospital which were completely deserted. We busted through the doors to the stairs and ran down them taking three at a time. Which may I add was simply terrifying. Ream and Clemt were so graceful when they passed each step. Me on the other hand I almost tripped at least sixty times. My eye caught glance of a sign, we were almost at the bottom floor. Alas we busted through the stair's exit. Then ran through the entrance of the hospital and into the parking lot. They practically dragged me towards a black van, opened the passenger seat and pushed me in. Clemt ran to the drivers side and got in, as Ream climbed in the backseats. I turned my eyes to look out of the window when I noticed the clouds were straight black and the hospital was the only building with lights on any where that I could see. The blackness seemed to consume everything.

"Shit! They are all ready here! Abigail put your head down!" I did and felt the car accelerate faster than a roller coaster.

My ears were deafened by Reams screaming, and Clemt's attempts of calming everyone down. I was breathing fairly heavy when it got deathly quiet. I shouldn't look up... oh well. I lifted my head and looked out of the windshield. Before my eyes there he was gain. The son of a bitch in my dreams. Anger was already boiling inside of me, when I looked at Clemt for an explanation he wasn't staring at this freak he was staring past him. My eyes followed to where his were, there was a girl behind dream freak, she had chains around her wrists. She had firey red-yellow hair and static green eyes. She was dressed in a yellow hoodie and black jeans. Dream freak was staring at me and started laughing such a laugh it made chills run down my very being.

In Dream freaks hand he was holding the end of the chains on the firey girl. I saw Clemt as he began to panic and mutter things incoherent to my own ears. I figured we shouldn't just sit here, so I gathered what little courage I had and pulled the lock on my door and ran out towards dream freak.

"What the hell do you want form me?! Huh? Look dream freak you have two minutes to explain what the hell you want from me or I will kill you. Here and now." I screamed through clenched teeth, not once taking my eyes off of him. This is not happening, he doesn't deserve two minutes to live. He deserves to die- now.

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