Love is in the air <3

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Kierras POV

We had never eaten dinner while we were still on our date so when we got back to the tour bus we made some food, and then decided to watch a movie.

"Lets watch all the saw movies!" Corinne screamed.

"No you know i cant handle all that gore!" I called back to her.

"Hey its ok love, you have me." Niall comforted me.

"Ok." I giggled.

We watched all of the saw movies with minimal squeling noises coming from me. By the time all the movies had ended it was 12:32. I looked next to me and saw Caitlyn sleeping on Liams shoulder and he had his arm around her. They really need to get together. Corinne had her head on Harrys chest while he had his arm around his waist. Then there was Louis and Lexie. Louis was awake and sitting up but Lexie was asleep and had her hea in his lap. Josh sat alll alone one the bean bag in the corner. We really need to get him a girlfriend. Zayn sat all alone too. Weve gotta get him one too.

Niall and I started to get up when Louis said,"You guys heading to bed?"

"Yeah you going to or are you gonna stay here with Lex?" Niall replied.

"Imma stay here."Louis said looking down at Lexies sleeping face.

"Ok well godnight then."


Louis POV

I looked down at Lexies sleeping face, and smiled. I have to make her mine. Before any other boy gets the chance. I thought for a moment and then a brillent idea hit me. She will never suspect what I'm going to do.

Corinnes POV

When i woke up the next morning, I felt me head rising and falling slightly. I tried to get up but there were two strong arms circlcled around my waist. I lifted my head up and noticed i was sleeping on Harry. His brown mesmerizing curls fell in a mess upon his foreheade. He began to stir signaling he was waking up.

"Hmm mm hmnm." Harry mumbled. "Hmmm good morning Corinne."

"Good morning Harry." I smiled.

He closed his eyes again and tightend his arms around me. I layed my head back down onto his chest just enjoying his company. Knowing at some point i had to get up i wriggled out off his grasp. Harry groaned in protest but we both knew we had to get up. Once out of death grip i tiptoed past all the other sleeping members and went into the clothing room to get my clothes. Once in the bathroom I turned on the shower and hopped in. After about 30 minutes i got out and put on my chosen outfit. It was a Pair of light washed skinny jeans and a hot pink cropped top. I threw my hair up into a messy pony tail, did my makeup, and i was done.

Kierras POV

I awoke the next morning next to Niall in his bunk. DONT THINK LIKE THAT YOU PERVS! I slowly rolled over to face Niall. He was all ready awake and smiling down at me.

"Good morning love." His sweet Irish accent coming through my ears.

"Morning." I replied back smiling.

He sofltly kissed my forhead and we stepped out of bed. We walked hand in hand tword the sitting area were everyone was already up.

"Morning  guys!" I said happily.

"Morning." Everyone else replied.

The bus was moving. Prabrably cause we were on our way to the next location where the boys would be preforming. Unlike the first concert i didnt know where the next one was. I did know that we were leaving for america in about a month or two.

Niall and i began eating our breakfast which consisted of scramvled eggs and bacon. Harry probrably cooked it. Once i was done eating I took Nialls and mines dishes to the sink. Then i headed to the bathroom to get ready.

Once i had showered blow dried my hair, and did my make up, i got dressed. I put on a pair of dark denim hollister shorts, a brown skinny belt, and a white flowy taketop. My hair was crimpped and i pinned back my bangs.

I walked out into the living area.  Everyone had already been dressed when Niall and i woke up so the only person who had to get ready was Niall.

"How much longer till we get to the next concert venue?" I whined once Niall left.

"Kierra quit whining, its not polite." My brother told me.

"Oh sense when do you know what being polite is." I sarcstically asked Josh.

"Kierra." Josh warned.

"Sorry but in all seriousness when?" I seriously asked.

"Probrably around 2 or 3. We have soundcheck at 5 and the show starts 7." Liam said checking his phone to be sure. Gosh that kid was organized.

It was 11 right now. "Well what do you guys wanna do?" I asked.

"We could finish playing the truth or dare that not everyone got to play." Corinne glared at me.

"Im cool with that." Harry said.

We got sat in our circle again from before and began playing the epical game.

"Josh, truth or dare?" Niall began.

"Ahhh Truth." Josh decided.

"Is there anyone that you miss from home right now?"

"Well there is this one girl--" Josh was cut off by Louis screaming,"OHHHH ITS A GIRL!"

"Yeah it is and her names Taylor." Josh blushed. "Ok now Harry, Truth or dare?"

"Umm lets play it safe and go with truth." Harry said.

"Ok. Do you fancy anyone and if so who?" Josh deviously asked Harold.

"Yes as a matter of fact i do and I'm quite sure she knows it but its Corinne." Harry smiled.

"My turn!!" Harry squeled."Corinne, truth or dare???"

"Dare." Corinne spoke confidentaly.

"I dare you to kiss me." Harry looked as cheeky as ever.

"ok" Corinne replied just as cheekily.

They both leaned in at the same time, smiling might i add, and then their lips met. All the boys began wolf whistling and yelling provacative things. They FINALLY pulled apart and smiled at each other. Corinne was blushing like crazy and hair was smiling like a chesire cat.

"Ok um Liam truth or dare?" Corinne was still blushing.

"Dare." Liam chose.

"Ok i dare you to ask Caitlyn out already." 

"ok Uhh Caiylyn, will you go out with me?" Liam timidly asked Caitlyn.

"Yes i would love to." Caitlyn giggled.

"Im hungry!!!!" Niall whined.

"Ok lets eat something." Josh said.

Niall, Lexie, Louis, and i decided to volunteer on making food for everyone. 2 bags of tortilla chips, 2 bags of shredded chesse, 1 bag of refried beans, 5 tomatoes , and 1 can of black olives later we made two giant pans of nachos. We brought the food into the living are and found every one watching Toy Story 3.

"FOOD!!!" Louis yelled. Does that boy ever shut up?

Everyone began to dig into the nachos and by the time the movie was over all of the nachos were all gone. The bus came to a stop and we were at the next venue. We all piled off the bus and went into the concert venue. 

The boys went to the dressing rooms and i followed then in. I picked out there clothing and left them to get  changed. they then went to hair and makeup and were done. 

They went to soundcheck and then did their concert and they did an amazing job. We all headed back to the bus and went straight to bed. It was a great day. :)

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