note + meeting your parents pt.3

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I'm tired of people asking me who I think won some freaking immature fight between Nicki and fucking um... Cardi B.  I listen to at least 2 of their songs but,  I don't like them.  I think that its childish as hell for 2 grown ass people to be fighting.  I'm seeing it all over my socials too and my friend would talk like stfu about it.  Idc who won.  Idc for the drama.  It has nothing to do with me,  and their fans are hyping it up like 'Cardi wasn't playing,  yass! ' or 'Nicki has class. ' IDC.  I really don't.  Both should've never came their mouth talking mess,  and they should've known that there is a time and place for that fighting/arguing shit.  So I blocked my friends social and other pages.  Also I blocked some people on watt pad.  Have a nice freaking day. 

(Y/n)'s P. O. V

“Ashely? ” I call out.  No answer. 

I drove to our house wondering if she was home. I walked in and called her name but,  there was no answer. 

Maybe she's in the bedroom. 

I walk upstairs,  the wooden stairs creaking as I cringe. 

We really need carpet on our stairs and stuff. 

I hear shuffling inside our bedroom. 

“Ashley? ” I called out again. 

The bedroom door opens.  Ashley stands there,  hair a mess,  eye bags and an oversized sweatshirt on. 

She looks terrible.  I hurt her.  I did this. 

“What (Y/n)? ” she says,  rolling her eyes. 

I open my mouth,  I couldn't say anything.  The words wouldn't come out.  But I managed to say one thing. 


Ashley raises an eyebrow,  “I can't hear you.”

“Sorry.” I whisper. 

Ashley groans,  “(Y/n)!  I can't even hear you.  Are you playing with me?  Go home. ”

I wanted to shake my head but,  I was frozen. 

Home?  This is home.  This is our home. 

“I'm sorry,  I'm so so so sorry.  Please. ” I say. 

Ashley sighs,  “I know your sorry.  Please tell me what you said wasn't true.  Are you straight? ”

I chuckle a bit,  “Ashley I can't even act straight.  I'm not straight.  I'm so gay. ”

Ashley sobs,  “Then why hurt me?  Physically and Emotionally. ”

“I didn't mean to.  I'm so sorry- wait what? ” I said.  Her words echo.  Physically and emotionally.  She's hurt. But I didn't hit her or harm her

“Ashley,  what do you mean physically? ”

Ashley sobs even more. 

Oh.. No

“Ashley please don't tell me you hurt yourself.  ”

No answer. 

“I didn't hurt you Ashley.  You hurt yourself,  you did that yourself.  I caused emotional pain,  not physical.  You took it upon yourself to take that emotional pain and turn it into physical pain. ” I said. 

Ashley wipes her eyes.  “I'm sorry. ”

I nodded.  “let me see. ”

She sighs sadly before pulling up the sleeves. 

Lord. Jesus. Christ

Scars.  Lots of them.  Lined up from top to bottom of her arm. 

It was a horrific sight. 

Some were puffy,  faded and new. 

I hated myself for this.  For giving her emotional pain which her only way,  in her mind,  was physical pain. 

“I'm sorry.  I love you so much,  I don't want you to hurt yourself ever again.  Please.  Let me help you and let me love you. ”

She nodded,  smiling a bit. 

I'm so glad,  I have her back. 


Idc if its short,  it's gonna be short.  Like I said,  depression is a bitch. 
I'm in my room everyday,  alone by myself.  It comes to the point,  idgaf anymore. 

So this is the last of Meeting Your Parents. 

I have other imagines and oneshots ahead. 

If you wanna pm me,  you can.  I don't bite. 

- lashtonsalt-

Ps.  This imagine is trash

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