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A boy groggily stands on the fifth train station platform, watching people disperse out of open doors as others from behind him begin to flood into them.

Open close, open close.

Its was already seven twenty-four and classes always started by seven-thirty. It was only the first day of the second semester and he starts it by being late. But it was nothing new, really. He's always late, and it never changes.

He never changes.

He would stay up until three AM, and wake up at five, just to finish the Korean drama he'd started on the day before. After finishing, he'd leave at seven twenty. And that would give him enough time to catch up with the first few minutes of the first morning subject.

Sleep deprivation was a thing he was used to. And it looked like he wasn't going to do anything about it anytime soon. Though his head would spin in the morning and he would loose his way sometimes in the train station,(though he only had to transfer train lines twice) He didn't care. As long as he would be able to finish what he wanted to finish it was fine by him. If he didn't finish what he wanted to, he could never sleep- thinking about it all night, tossing and turning around in his bed.

But today was quite different for him.

Since he barely got any sleep since last night. After being taunted by his friend Johnny to not watch the latest showing horror movie because he was too "young" and would be scarred by it, he wanted to prove it wrong.

So he watched the movie.

And when he did, he got scared. Well of course he did, he was still a kid after all, and Johnny was right about it. But that was the fun of it. Sometimes fun can come from the strangest of experiences.

His head fell slowly, as he swayed from side to side, looking like a drunken middle-aged man on the way home after drinking out his problems from his shitty job.

But luckily, before he could completely loose his consciousness and fall to the ground, someone taped him in the shoulder while muttering a small "excuse me", which caused the boy to snap awake.

He scratched the back of his head and spun around to see who wished to talk to him in the middle of a busy plat form.

His eyes locked with a boy who looked of his own age, wearing the same uniform as he did. Except he looked much healthier and much more neat than that of himself.

He looked like a social person too, telling from the aura his smile gave. Unlike himself who always cursed silently to himself to anyone who got in his way. He didn't know who this boy was, but it wasn't anything new. He barely knew anyone from his own school due to his lack of social skill.

"Uh.. hey, my name's Jaemin. Do you have any idea of which train leads to the stop near Rose Wood High? I'm kinda lost."

The pink haired boy awkwardly scratched his nape thinking of how stupid he was to ask such a question. Of course he knows where. The guy he was talking to was definitely not a transfer student. By the tired look he gave him, He's probably tired of seeing the same school uniform every day.

"And I'm Donghyuck. Wouldn't you know? Aren't you supposed to be used to going there by now?"

It was ironic and hypocritical. Since Donghyuck himself, could never get used to the rails due to his sleep deprivation, causing him to forget things easily.

THURSDAYS.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें