Chapter 4. Crash Landing.

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Serena's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sit on the bathroom counter,and notice tears escape my eyes. How do i know it was nothing? I know the old Harry..But is he still fully gone?

I hear a knock at the door. "Serena? Its Molly. Open up." I open the door and pull her in,closing it just as Harry tried to enter.

"I heard everything. I'm sorry. Who knows what happen with Harry and that girl,But he was on tour. All i know is...He loves you Serena." I now am facing the ground,as i try to trick myself into believing it.  "What if he did do something with her? What if he had sex with her?!"

My eyes slam shut from the thought of it.

"Don't. Stop. Don't let this ruin your vacation. Put your bathing suit on. Were all going for a swim."


Harry's P.O.V.

"She wont even talk to me now! Why did you open your mouth!! I didn't do anything with the girl other than dance!!!! You saw me turn her down!!"

Niall sits,astonished as i scream at him.

"You ruined everything!" Niall is now looking at the ground,and looks up at me with teared eyes. "I'm sorry...I...I didn't mean to." He gets up and slams the door,Leaving me feel like shit.


Niall's P.O.V.

"Babe its okay. Harry didn't mean it...Hes just...upset!" Amanda says as she holds my head close to her. I try and hold back tears,with little effect.

"I didnt mean to...I just was telling him he had texts."

Amanda smiles as she kisses me. "Its alright. Lets go have some fun!" I cant help but smile at her enthusiasm. I pull her close into my arms,and whisper into her hair. "I love you. So much." She answers with a kiss.

"I love you Niall."


Stephanie's P.O.V.

"Louis. Stop. Louis!" I say in between giggles as Louis bites my neck. He pulls me close,and lays me on the sand by the shore. He looks me in the eyes,and begins to laugh,having his eyes wrinkle up.

"Your so cute!" I laugh out. He laughs harder,and he lays on top of me. He removes a piece of my black hair from my face,and kisses my lips,softly,moving his lips in sync with mine.

"Guys. Get a room." Zayn interrupts as her trows Louis his shirt. I cant help but blush as Louis laugh hysterically once again.

"Come on! Let go up to the cliff! All of us! Lets have some fun." Louis says as he grabs me and Zayn,and winks as he drags us up to the woods.

Harry's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I'm going first!!" Louis screams as he runs toward the cliff,About 35 feet above the water.

"LOUIS DON'T!!" Stephanie screams,but he jumps. We all run over to see him,as he dives into the water,laughing as he comes to the surface.

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