Part six: The First of Many

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"So, your little friend is a dyke! How funny, Keith." Kenzie laughed in my face.

The girl that I went into the room with took her hand back so I could button and zip my pants up.

"Really Beth?" Keith stood there in shock. "Are you really a lesbian?" He looked disappointed.

"Why are you so sad? You already have me Keith!" Kenzie said bouncing like fucking chihuahua.

"Actually, I'm bisexual." I said blushing and looking to Keith.

"Really?" His face lit up, making my face turn even brighter red.

"Why the Hell do you care Keith? Remember, we were coming in here to talk about us!" She snipped at him. Her long blonde hair bobbed with her head as she talked.

"I don't think you want to talk about it right now, Kenzie." Keith said which made her shut up finally.

"Uh, Beth?" The girl with the black hair said trying to get my attention.

"Yes, uh..." I just now realized that I never asked the girl's name.

"My name is Eve." She smiled at me.

I blushed, "Sorry, Eve."

"We need to get back for class now." She looked at her wrist watch.

"Oh, right." I forgot that we were even at school.

"Uh, see you at home, Keith?" I said not knowing what else to say.

"Just meet me at my car at the end of the day." He smiled that sexy grin at me. Then, Eve took my hand and led me back to our classroom. When Eve and I walked in the door the teacher looked at us.

"Sorry, she got lost so I had to help her." Eve said and we sat back down in the seats that we were earlier.

"Right, since today is the first day I'm not going to assign any course work." The old man said. His face was wrinkled to the point that he resembled a pug.

The class went on and basically, he should us where he kept everything in his classroom. Also, he went over the topics we would learn about through out the course. But, I couldn't really pay attention since Eve kept running her hand up and down my thigh.

Finally, the class ended and Eve and I walked seperate ways. After four more long and boring classes, it was finally the end of the day. I sprinted over to Keith's car since I was excited to see him. Then, I saw him. He was very thin in a sexy way with a bit of muscle on his upperarms. But then I noticed a hort blonde bitch that was crying beside him.

As they got closer to the car, I could hear what they were saying.

"Keith, I promise I'll change." She sobbed and stuttered until the words could barely be understood.

"You said that last time, Kenzie." He sighed.

"I mean it! I don't want to lose you!" She was practically screaming at this point.

"I'll believe it when I see it." He climbed in the car and slammed the door in her face. "Come on, Beth." He said after cracking my window. I climbed in the car as well and looked back at Kenzie.

"Have fun with your whore!" She spit in my direction. Keith threw the car in reverse and got the Hell out of there as quick as we could.

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