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I swear,in at least half of the books I read, I find this cliché:

Girl suspect boy is acting weird, doesn't do anything.Girl goes up to his apartment.Girl sees bra on the floor.Girl hears moans.Girl sees a platimum blond that is way more hotter than her in bed with her boy friend.
That must be the only reason why he cheated.Their relationship must have been so perfect until that platinum blonde bitch came in drug raped her boyfriend.

Boy:'I can explain.'(He probably was drunk)
Girl doesn't want his explanations.
Girl packs her stuff and storms off.

Literally later in the chapter or in the next chapter, she'll find a dark,mysterious,muscular 6'3 man that might be a vampire that is willing to take care of her for the rest of her life.She forgets about her ex-boyfriend in a snap of his fingers.
They hook up,fall in love, get married.

Moral of the story:If you get cheated on,sooner or later you'll find the love of your life.

Just kidding.That is so wrong on all levels.

It is even easier for boys.
'My girlfriend cheated on me with some guy.'That's all they can say to end the plot.

Fiction is one thing.Fantasy fiction is one thing.Surreal is one thing.Illogical is one thing.

First of all,stop targeting platimum blondes.
Second of all,people cheat because they have a problem with themselves or their partners.It is never about the third party.Unless,they did drug rape them.Still,that is another situation.But there is nothing you can say to justify cheating.It is wrong.
Third, young men do know better now not to bring girls back to tell place to cheat.

Look,cheating and being cheated on is a serious issue that I hope nobody will go through.It is traumatising,damaging,in some cases life-changing.

It can never go away with a hook up,a one night stand,sometimes even a new relationship.

If you are ever cheated on,you know that it isn't that easy.It never is.
Being cheated on causes trust issues,jealousy issues and possesiveness.
Phone snooping.
The inability to form new romantic relationships.
The inability to trust someone.
Or worse,the inability to believe that you are worthy of a loyal person.

But I can guarantee it can never go away in one day,let alone one chapter.
Not everyone can let go of it,even when they are in a new relationship.So if you really are going to write this,you gotta make sure,you do it right.

Tell me how heart wrenching it was.Tell me about the sobbing.The drunk calls.The photo deleted.Confronting her ex.Every little bit.Talk about the feelings.Talk about how is effects their relationships with other people.How does it effect the 6'3 guy who looks like a vampire.How does he help her get over it.
Tell me realistic things.

You can't look at someone's sparkly face and forget all your problems.Maybe for a while,but not for long.That is just a tool of writing.


I swear,writing a cheat scene can justify some actions of a character but not everything.

One more thing about clichés:If you are writing it,please be responsible.

Because the point of writing fiction is blurring the lines between your imagination and reality.

Writers,I love you guys,you give me the experience I probably will never have.

So write on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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