Two Worlds Collide

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Kara Danvers dressed as her alter ego Supergirl was patrolling the night skies of National City when her Supergirl phone goes off suddenly. "Talk to me Brainy." Kara says as she answers her comms. "Someone's broken into L-Corp's R&D labs." says the blue-skinned android over the comms. "Lena!" Kara gasps before she pours on the speed leaving a sonic boom in her wake rattling the windows of skyscrapers in a two block radius. "Be careful Supergirl." says the voice of the director of the DEO and Kara's older sister Alex Danvers. "Of course Director." Kara says as she approaches the L-Corp building. "I'm here. Where are the R&D labs located Brainy?" Kara asks hovering in front of the L-Corp the bright red cape on her muscular shoulders flaps gently in the wind. "Fourteenth floor, second door on your left." the android says as he consults the blueprints for the L-Corp building. "Got it." Kara says as lands on the balcony attached to Lena's office with a muted thump. A dark haired female with intense emerald green eyes turns to face the balcony doors and her face lights up when she sees Kara dressed as Supergirl. "Thank goodness you're here Supergirl! There's been a break in downstairs in the R&D labs." Kara's sky blue eyes darken slightly as she slips into her Supergirl persona. "Don't worry Ms. Luthor I'll handle this." Kara says as she heads for the door to the office her stride sure and her body language screaming confidence. Kara's red cape flares out behind her as she walks. "Be careful Kara." Lena says quietly knowing Kara could hear her plain as day thanks to the blonde haired Kryptonian's natural supersenses. "I will Ms. Luthor." Kara says before she disappears from view. Kara uses her superspeed to reach the fourteenth floor quickly. "How did you escape Leslie? Your cell was free of any wires and electronics." Kara says in surprise when she spots Livewire's distinctive white hair. "That's need to know Girl Scout." Livewire spat angrily as electricity crackles across Livewire's body before she disappears into an overhead lighting fixture. Kara takes a deep breath and focuses on the sounds around her using her natural superhearing to try and guess where Livewire would come out at. Kara quickly turns to face her right side as a muffled crack is emitted from a wall socket heralding Livewire's reappearance before the white haired women tries blasting Kara with a ball of condensed electricity. Kara dives to the side in order to dodge the ball of condensed electricity. The electrical blast hits a transdimensional portal powering it on unbeknownst to the two women in the lab. Kara gets to her feet and aims a glare at the white haired women before trying to punch Livewire but the electrical villianess ducks and punches Kara in the stomach with a fist covered in electricity. The electrically powered punch stuns the blonde like a powerful taser long enough for Livewire to get what she came for and escape. When Kara comes to her senses she lets loose a stream of Kryptonian's curse words when she realizes that Livewire had escaped. "Director Danvers this is Supergirl someone in the DEO released Livewire from her isolation cell and she stunned me and escaped again before I could recapture her here at L-Corp. You need to seriously clean house Alex before that double agent releases someone even more dangerous than Livewire." Kara says in a deceptively calm voice that showed just how angry the blonde haired Kryptonian truly was. "Roger that Supergirl I'll check the duty roster to see who was supposed to be guarding Livewire recently, but more importantly are you ok Supergirl?" Alex asks her vocal tone betraying worry and concern. "I'm fine Director just a small electrical burn and a little electroshock treatment nothing to worry about." Kara says her tone nonchalant. "A small electrical burn and a little electroshock treatment?! Supergirl get your caped crusadered butt back to the DEO for a through medical evaluation immediately and that's an order!" Alex says in tone of voice that meant end of discussion. "Alright see in ten minutes Director Danvers." Kara says with a small sigh as she leaves the lab. She puts her right hand on the fist shaped burn in the center of her stomach. She hisses in pain as her palm comes into contact with sensitive and raw flesh. "Supergirl what happened? You're hurt." Lena asks worriedly as Kara walks back into Lena's office. "It's just a small burn Ms. Luthor. I'll be just fine." Kara says with a reassuring smile. "Are you sure?" Lena asks still doubtful. "I'll be fine once I soak up some solar radiation Ms. Luthor so don't worry." Kara says as she heads to the attached balcony so she could take flight.

-Meanwhile back in the R&D labs-

A bluish light illuminates the darkened R&D lab. A blur of red lightning speeds out of it. When the lightning dissipates it reveals a man wearing a yellow masked attached to a yellow suit with a red lightning bolt on his chest. "So this is Earth-38? How quaint." says a costumed man before he speeds off.

-Back with Kara and Lena-

"If you're sure then who am I to argue." Lena says shaking her head slightly. "Be careful Ms. Luthor Livewire is still out there." Kara says before she takes off and heads for the DEO. A few minutes later Kara lands heavily on the balcony with a loud thump. The heavy impact cracks the concrete beneath Kara's booted feet. Kara's knees buckle and she collapses as blackness takes over.  "Supergirl!" shouts a man wearing a red suit with a yellow lightning bolt on his chest and an attached cowl covering the top half of his handsome face. He sprints towards Kara trailing yellow-orange lightning and catches her before Kara can hit the ground. Kara's eyes are closed and her breathing is slow and labored. "Flash what's going on?" Alex asks as she sprints into the command center of the DEO. "Supergirl collapsed when she landed Director Danvers." the man known as the Flash says before gasping in shock when he spots the bright red fist sized burn on Kara's stomach. "What?! Why'd you just gasp Flash? Tell me now!" Alex asks as she quickly walks over and kneels next to Flash and Kara. "She's been burned pretty bad." Flash says as he cradles Kara's limp form in his strong and masculine arms. "We need to get her out of her suit and under the sunlamps fast." Alex says as she quickly slips into doctor mode. The two of them plus the unconscious Kryptonian in Flash's arms head to the DEO's medical bay. The two of them quickly undress Kara and examining the shiny red burn on Kara's stomach before putting her into a hospital gown and placing Kara under the bio-engineered sunlamps so Kara can heal. "So why are you on Earth-38 Barry Allen?" Alex asks turning to look at the masked superhero standing next her. "I was tracking an evil speedster by the name of The Reverse-Flash when he suddenly disappeared through a breach. When I followed him through it I ended up here on your Earth." Barry says as he removes his cowl revealing intense sea green eyes and short  light brown hair that was tousled from the suits cowl. "When I examined the burn on Kara's stomach it appears to have been made by electricity. Only Livewire could have given Supergirl an electrical burn like that. It looks like a second or even third degree burn. " Alex says as she turns and gazes at the unconscious blonde on a bed surrounded by sunlamps. "But why did she collapse the way she did Alex?" Barry asks as he runs one of his gloved hands through his tousled brown hair. "She was in shock and her body couldn't take anymore abuse." Alex says with her worried gazed still locked on the prone blonde laying in the bed. 

-A few hours later-

Kara's right hand twitches which is being held tightly by her dark haired girlfriend Lena Luthor who was sitting in a chair next to the blondes bed. "Kara?" Lena asks sleepily as she wakes up from a light doze. Kara's eyes open and she hisses from the bright light assaulting her eyes. She quickly closes them again. "Lena what happened?" Kara asks her voice rough from pain and fatigue. "Whats the last thing you remember Kara?" Lena asks as she quickly pushes a button to alert Alex to the fact that Kara was awake. "Landing at the DEO and then everything kinda went black." Kara says as she slowing opens her eyes letting them adjust to the bright light in the room. "You lost consciousness due to your body going into a state of acute shock. You're lucky that you even made it back to the DEO Kara." Alex says as she enters the room followed by a relieved looking Barry Allen still dressed in his Flash suit. "At least I made it back before passing out." Kara says as she tries to sit up in the bed. "Whoa slow down Kara! You're not fully healed yet." Alex says rushing over to Kara's bedside and putting her hand on Kara's shoulder to keep her from sitting up. "Fudge that hurts!" Kara says as pain rips through her abdomen. "So the burn isn't a third degree burn. That's a good thing." Alex says as she checks on Kara's burn. "It's good to see you awake Girl of Steel. You had us worried sick." Barry says his face showing immense relief as he appears next to Alex. "Barry what are you doing here?!" Kara asks looking happily surprised. "One of my villians escaped through a breach to this earth and I followed him." Barry says looking serious. "What villian was it Barry?" Alex asks the red suited speedster. "His name is Eobard Thawne a.k.a The Reverse-Flash and he's a speedster like me." Barry says looking distressed. "Lets hope Livewire and Reverse-Flash don't team up." Kara says. "That would be an absolute nightmare." Alex says looking disturbed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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