Chapter 2

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"Where you going?" His brutal voice cuts through the silence like a knife, sending shivers down my spine and making the hairs on my neck stand up on end.

"T-t-to the sh-shop." I cautiously turned around.

"Speak up wuman! Wiv wot muney?"

"Mike... Please."

"You took it from me din't ya? Din't ya?" His face began to redden and as his hands clenched into fists I prepared myself for the blow. "You bi..."

I was aware of approaching steps behind me, Mike heard them too. His face softened, his words became kinder and his grimace turned into a smile, showing his crooked yellow teeth.

"Come 'ere loves."

He pulls me close to his chest, his large hand gripping tightly onto my shoulder, fingers digging into my collar bone. I try to wriggle free but he just holds on tighter saying 'There, there'; his sour breath reeks of alcohol and I can hear his heart beating quickly through his sweaty shirt.

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