Chapter 5

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Pulling a bowl of warm, soapy water towards her side, Katie proceeded to wash me, sighing when she saw my undernourished body, thin and gaunt. Then she plaited my hair into a short braid and dressed me in a warm, thick pair of pyjamas she had brought along.

Laying the duvet down on the floor she delicately picked me up and lay me on it, supporting my leg with two of the pillows and placing the third under my head. Turning back towards the bed she began to scrub that too, trying to rub away years of stains. Trying to fight back the tears I bit my lip but salty drops fell down my hollow cheeks anyway.

"What's wrong Mi?"

"Nothing, I just... I mean... well... thank you."

"That's fine lovely, now, let's get you to a hospital."

"No, please."

"Mia, you have to - you can't leave your leg like this."

"But they'll ask questions."

Her no-nonsense look puts me in my place and I agree to go with her. Gently she picks me up and carries me to her car.

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