One Year Ago Today

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Hurt. That's all I feel. I lost you. My friend, my brother, my life. I miss you alot Seamus. You left a hole in my heart that can never be filled. If you were still here, you'd hate the person I've become. I'm less cheerful, less talkative, less happy. But no one notices, which is great. Remember those talks we'd have in the hallways at school? The ones about acting? I use those 'skills' to hide everything. The pain, the feeling of emptiness, the feeling of regret. I remember the first time I met you. We were at the lunchroom. I was being a total loser and was clinging to leigha. And she introduced me to you. Then I found out we had the same first period class together. On the third day, I walked into class. You were already seated. And when you saw me you yelled out "CINDYYY!!!" I have never been more red faced in my life. But every day, I would walk in. And you'd yell my name. And every day, my confidence level would get a little higher. And eventually, during the second quarter of the year, I began to yell your name back. You'd yell "CINDYYY!!!" which would be followed by a "SEAMUS!!" we annoyed everyone, but we didn't care. It broke me when I found out you were gone from this world. I was physically broken. I stopped caring about school, my family, my other friends. I stopped feeling emotions. I miss you. We all miss you Seamus. Your friends, your family. Everyone who knew you, misses you. You were the highlight of everyone's day. You were--are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you Seamus, be happy in heaven. Til next time

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