it's not my problem

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hey y'all follow my Instagram @lulb.miaaa & miaablesiv 💙💞

Principal: the winner are Alex ..... And 

y/n: omg alex we -

Principal: and Hailey

Jesse💞: what?

y/n: what ?

Hailey💜: hahaha I'm the queen with your man 

Desiree❣️: you dumb bitch!

Principal: come and get up and grab you crown and sit on the thrown 👑

They got up and grab the crown 

y/n: I'm his girlfriend!

Principal: sorry not my problem

Principal: ok guys let's take the photos for the year book

y/n: no no!

You got up and slap Hailey on the face

Hailey🖤: oh no you didn't 

you were on top of her 

Hailey💘: you ask for it!

Alex💝: stop y/n get off her now!

Alex tried to get you off her but you slap him

Alex💙: what the fuck y/n

Hailey💜: YASMINE DO IT!!!!

y/n: Yasmine?

Yasmine grab the remote and press play

everyone: omg y/n

Everyone was staring at you so you turn around it shows you having sex with carlos at Christopher birthday.

y/n: omg no no 

Alex💞: baby girl calm down 

Carlos❤️: fuck

Peyton💓: I thought you were still a virgin and we will have are first together

Carlos💘: baby listen to me 

Peyton💙: you lie to me you said you were a virgin and look at this you had sex with my step sister

Carlos💛: I never saw you before so how is it my fault!

Peyton💖: well I don't care you fucking lie to me

Carlos💞: im your boyfriend that's only matter to me 

Peyton💘: ya right 

Carlos💙: baby listen to me 


Carlos went up to Peyton and hug her brushing her hair back and saw everyone looking at him

Carlos💖: you guys can stop looking at me 

Everyone💜: cunt! Bitch, rapist , sex lover , drunk fucker 

Carlos💖: no that's not true I didn't rape her

Everyone💚: ya right !!!, Lier , cunt!!!!

Carlos💞: why can't yall listen to me 

Peyton💖: baby listen to me 

Carlos❣️: I'm leaving this school

Christopher💓: same let's go to my house

Jesse💘: ya baby who's coming

Desiree💓: me and Diego are coming

Ricco💛: I am coming to 

Yasmine💜: I'm sorry Ricco 

Ricco💝: see I what I told y'all I can't find anyone who perfect for me 

Jesse: I'm sorry Ricco she wasn't the one 

Alex💙: where y/n?

You ran out of the school 

Alex💜: y/n!!

y/n: I'm going home!!

Alex💛: come let's go to Christopher house and have are prom there 

y/n: baby..... I'm not going

Alex💟: why

y/n: I'm not going to that school

Alex💕: we have too

y/n: ik fine I will go

You were walking and ......

Alex🖤: omg Y/N!!!!!!!!!!

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