I don't care !!

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hey y'all follow my Instagram @miaablesiv💓@lulb.miaaa💕

Alex saw you at the swings 

Alex ran up to you 

Alex🖤: y/n....

y/n: what do u want cunt !

y/n: oh wait don't tell me you gonna ask me to come back after you kicking me out well....

Alex💛: i-

y/n: I don't want your bullshit!

Alex💜: why can't you listen to me !!

y/n: why should I mhm.... every time I listen to you or trust you I get in trouble or drama 

Alex💓: because...

y/n: because what 

Alex💗: because I don't know it's just ends up like that but doesn't matter your still alive and healthy

y/n : whatever. what do you want 

Alex💚: I want you to come back and you to apologize to me 

y/n: wow you selfish bitch 

Alex❣️: me the selfish bitch 

y/n: yeah

Alex🖤: you fucking push me and called me a cunt 

y/n: yeah because you were trying to get me to have a baby 

Alex❤️: okay so.... u wanted me to jump and frinkin die!

y/n: what .....

Alex💝: yeah you said that...it made me really mad and sad so I lost control of my anger and I kick you out...

y/n: I'm sorry....

Alex💛: yeah u should be and I'm sorry for trying to have another baby..

y/n: it's okay baby...

Alex💚: omg I miss that word

y/n: aww baby 

You hug Alex and kiss him on the cheek💕

Alex did the same 💕

You went in the car with Alex and went back home 💓

You went in the room happy ☺️

Alex came in and went straight to fornite😂🎮

You video recorder him and put him on your Snapchat 💙

you fall asleep

Alex POV

Alex❣️: look at my princess sleeping

Alex came next to you and kiss you on the lips

Alex went to watch Netflix 

1 hour later 💙

Alex went next to the kitchen

Alex💗: there's the knife I cut myself with 

Alex glance at it and grab it 

Alex💚: one shouldn't hurt

Alex cut himself one time 

Alex🖤: woah I just noticed that I cut myself alot 

Here Alex left arm😭💔

WARNING ⚠️ this might be disturbing for some views so I rather move off this picture 😬

Alex left arm 

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