A Time For Friendship

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All's well here in Underland now that the White Queen has regained it's muchness. It's been wonderful working under my trade again. Making things with the letter H: Hats. Then gandering off to have a cup of tea with the Hare and Chess. It's all quite lovley. Although above all the wonderfulness I seem to be missing someone whose name starts with the letter A: Alice. Its true what they say about when you could have all the wonderfulness in the world but without your best friend it doesn't mean a thing. Yes its true I do have many friends here in Underland, but its seems as if they've lost their muchness. It seems that before Alice left everything seems to have been much more muchier. Since nobody here in Underland is half as mad as I am I suppose I should go look for her.

* * *

"You're not going!"

"Please Mally I certainly must go!"

"Mally's right, Hatter. You can't go alone.", hummed Cheshire while sipping his tea.

When you ever doubt your friends care just tell them you're going off to another world and that should give you the answer. I've watched the tea cups releasing and capturing tea through out the hour as I unsuccefully continued to convince my friends of my soon departure.

"I'd rather go alone if you please," I pleaded while dodging a flying cup the Hare threw at me, "I won't be gone long."

"You didn't drink your tea," the Hare roared.

"I'm quite full thank you sir."

"At least take me with you," pleaded Mally.

"I am going alone and that is the end of it," I insisted as I stood up and left.

* * *

I've started my journey after I climbed out of the rabbit hole and into Upland. So far everything has been very exciting. Watching the giants thunder down the street as the others would roar about their orders. Everything seems so much bigger here than it does in Underland.

About half way into my walk I feel that my feet have grown quite tired and my stomach has begun to growl for a sip of tea. I pass a smell of roses and daffodils gathering all living objects to observe their beautifulness. A small vine curved its way down the side of the mansion allowing me to find my way into the garden to find a nice leaf to have my lunch. Beside me stood a tall slender rose towering over all the rest.

"Pardon me, Rose but have you seen a girl with a name Alice," I question her. The wind rustles the flowers around us while I wait for a response. A minute has passed and still no response. Did she not hear me? Before I could ask again my bag began to rustle and shake.

"What the hat," I question and a small mouse tumbles out drawing her sword as she landed.

"Mally," I yelled bewildered of her appearance.

"I just couldn't let you go alone, Hatter," Mally said while putting her sword away.

"It's dangerous out here, Mally."

"It's also dangerous for you, Hatter."

"Well I suppose there's no use in sending you back now. Please join me in a cup of tea."

An hour has passed and now Mally and me are back on our quest to find Alice. She can't be far from here can she? People here do dress rather oddly. They need a good hat. Perhaps after I find Alice I could hat them?

We walked and we walked but still no sign of Alice. Maybe we've gone the wrong way? The walkway kept going and going until we came across a shop. It was filled with hats, and more hats and just hats galore. There are bonnets and top hats and many more hats.

"Hatter," exclaimed Mally.

"Not now, Mally," I said distracted.

"But, Hatter it's Alice," she yelled from the brim of my hat.

Alice? My hat spun around as I looked in search for her.

"There," Mally pointed.

That's when I saw her with her hair of tangled spaghetti. Alice! It was her!

"Run, Hatter! Run!"

Scenery flew by me as I dodged foot and heels trying to catch up to her.

"Alice," we screamed hoping the sound would catch her ear. But it seemed to be no help to us.

"Alice," we screamed even louder than before. Her tangled mop weaved threw the crowd of a tangled broom like a speck of dirt escaping the last sweep. It continued before we could see it no more. Our voices faded over the sound of hustle and bustle till it stopped along with my run.

"We lost her," Mally breathed in defeat.

The air in my lungs wooshed in and out keeping the sound of my voice from escaping my throat.


A soft voice attacked my ears and I felt I must have been dreaming.

"What are you doing here?"

The ground from under me transformed into a soft pillow as the sky continued to enlarge.

"Alice," Mally excalimed, "We've been looking everywhere for you!"

"You have," Alice asked.

"We've all missed you," I say.

"Well how about this. How about I come to Underland for a while and we all have a cup of tea. Then you can show me a few more steps of Flutterwackon," Alice suggested.

"That would be lovely," I say as a smile grew onto my face.

If ever you need your world to light up, or if you're feeling down. If ever you feel like you need a friend, just look and they will be found. Have I made a ryme?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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