chapter 3

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Adri pov

"w-what? " I managed to get out of my mouth.

"yes miss. I'm very sorry but your house has been broken into and burned down."

"ok thank you" I stiffled a sob

I'm homeless

I'm homeless

I'm homeless

I'm homeless

I'm homeless

"adrianna are you ok"

'yeah totally! my house just burned to the ground and all my stuff is in some idiots hands, no biggie!'

'no Harry. girls just cry when they want to and are totally fine. '

'idiot of course not I'm fucking homeless stupid'

out of all these I couldn't come out with an answer. just the fact that I was homeless.

"im-im homeless guys..." I broke down sobbing and fell to the floor. 

"everything was perfect I had everything I needed but it's all gone!  why me? " I said to none in particular.

" Im so sorry to hear that I don't know to say,  I-"

"she can live with us!" Louis piped in

"boys I don't know..  we just met her and we don't know who she is let's just go"

Niall said


"Come onnnn ni, where has your good heart gone?"

I was wondering the same thing harry

"I don't know but this isn't a good idea"

and with that he stormed off to the van waiting for them.

"please come stay with us, it was the least I- we can do" Liam offered

I don't know really. as much as I wanted to say yes, Niall had a problem with me. so I didn't want to cause anything.

like he read my mind Zayn said

" don't worry about him he's being a prick" and he put his assuring hand on my shoulder.

it's like he sent tingles all over my body with that touch. I shuddered and stood up and looked at him

"Erm.. thank you.. I um, I really appreciate it"

I said looking into his eyes for some type of emotions but they held none but secrets. secrets.

Liam cleared his throat

I hadn't even notice that Zayn left with all the boys to the van... awkward that I was just standing there, I clocked out and made my way with Liam Payne.  of One Direction. and I'm going to live with them. wow I thought. 

my mined drifted to Zayn and his eyes . and all the secrets they held.


"ok so it kinda late Adri so you can change and go to bed" harry said after showing me my room.

"well um harry I don't having anything anymore but a cellphone" I told him

is mouth turned a 'o' shape and flicked to a smile so fast, I don't even know if I was imaging the first gesture.

then he said

"midnight shopping it is!"

uh oh

guys I'm so sorry for not updating. School is starting soon and I'd been going to orientation and Crap like that.  speaking of crap sorry bout this chapter. some of you wanted an update so here it is. I'll be posting fillers until  I have time for actual chapters :) also I just wrote this outta my head so let me know if there's any mistakes

SSU: her house is burned down and and she's living with 1D nothing much really

bai lovelies

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