HI I'm Elina Debra Young (pic to the side ;). I'm 17 years old and I live with my family above a small Laundromat that well... washes laundry. All of my brothers and I work there for a living. Justin, Colby and I mostly run the washers and dryers. Chris and Tony mostly do ironing and Chaz mostly runs the cash register. It is not the most money making job and it is pretty time consuming but it supports our family of 7 rather well.

Let me tell you the sad story about our family. Once there was a woman named Febra she was the daughter of a rich couple with only their own best interest at heart and no care for their only daughter. Febra was out shopping one day when she met the man of her dreams Ryan. Ryan treated her with care and love. Something no one else had ever done for her before and she quickly found herself falling in love with the man. 

Her parents found out and told her if she doesn't stop seeing Ryan they will cut her off from the endless amount of money they had flowing her way. Febra didn't care and left to be with Ryan a man who hardly had enough money to support himself much less woman who didn't know the first thing about working. But they made it work. Febra got herself a minimum wage job and soon they started to fall into a perfect routine but something was missing. Family! Kids! Marriage!

So Ryan married Febra then they had their first son Chaz. The couple were elated but soon depressed and worried when they realized how much money it was costing them to keep Chaz. They almost put him up for adoption thinking that they would not be able to feed their baby, when the kind old neighbour from across the street passed away. 

The couple were very shocked to find that that nice old lady who they always visited and talked to had thought highly enough of them to give them her laundromat to run. After a year of working at the laundromat and being financially stable they decided to try for a girl this time. They then gave birth to Justin, the couple was disappointed but nevertheless tried again and had twin boys Colby and Chris. Febra loved her boys with all her heart but longed deeply for a little girl to dress up, protect from boys and to love the way her parents never did to her. 

The couple took 2 years to get the bravery to face disappointment and tried again only to have another son named Tony. They hardly noticed that the laundromat was not getting as much money as before and how it was getting harder to support their kids. Febra was dead set on having a daughter and Ryan wanted to give her the only thing she has ever asked him for. Ryan felt very bad about how she went from being well taken care of to having to struggle paycheck to paycheck, and wanted to be able to give her the one thing she truly wanted.

Febra got very sick right after Tony was born and that raised her urge to have a girl. Less than a year later I was born. Elina Debra Young. Febra died a week later but no one had ever seen her more happy then that week after when she was able to hold her baby girl who looked just like her, dress her up and hear her giggle. 

That's my story folks. That is why my parents had so many kids with so little money. Because of me. All because I couldn't have just been the first child they had. But than again if I was the first child my older brothers wouldn't be here right now and I love them so much I can't even imagine a world without them breathing down my neck. 

This is the story about how I went from unconneted to very very very tightly connected enjoy :D

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