Being around people is exhausting enough. Being around people while being extremely anxious and everything feeling tense and you feel like you're gonna throw up is even more exhausting. I just got home. I don't want to go to dinner and be around people and have to wait on food that I'm not in the mood to eat. I want to get a shower, I want to relax and watch YouTube, I want to play video games. But nope! According to my parents the real reason is that I'm sick of the food. And no matter how many times I say that isn't it, they still suggest that same thing cause they don't fucking listen! Then I yell cause I'm frustrated that I'm repeating myself for the 100th time and then they yell back and it's a mess! I don't wanna go out and be around loud obnoxious people in a loud fucking restaurant!!! I want to relax! I am insanely stressed, I'm insanely exhausted, I'm fucking sick of people! Why can't you understand this?! I just want to stay home and relax, but nope! If I try to tell them that then they either act like I'm seriously depressed, something is insanely wrong, or like I'm sick of the food. Maybe I just want to relax cause I had a hard fucking day. Oh but I forgot, school is easy. School is so easy and I have nothing to stress about. I shouldn't be stressed or worried. School is so fucking easy.

*Sighs* I'm done ranting. I just want some damn food, but no we can't even leave on time. Another reason to just stay home and make my food myself! It is so much easier to do anything yourself! Ugh...

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