I was so fucking close to cussing out my brother. He asked me how I knew what something was and I said cause everybody calls it that, it's the official thing. Then he kept asking how. It's called the internet. Then he said "oh you googled it." No, I said the internet. You don't need to fucking Google it to see it. He's so fucking stupid! I wanted to scream at him "ITS CALLED THE FUCKING INTERNET, YOU BLOODY IDIOT!!!! ARE YOU TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THAT?!?!" I don't care that he didn't know what it was called, but the fact that he kept asking how I knew that just proves to me more how much of a fucking idiot he is. I knew he was stupid, but how fucking stupid can you get? And he keeps asking such fucking dumb questions lately. I answered one last night for him. Oh. My. Fucking. God. How is this man 23? How is he fucking 23? He's so dumb. He is so fucking dumb, I swear. My mom made a joke, but even she had to tell him to just stop. And since I yelled at him, my throat hurts even worse than before. He is literally so fucking stupid. How do I know it?! I have a fucking phone, I spend time on YouTube and I play games, how the fuck do you think I know that?! You insult everyone else for not having common sense, but you can't even put two and two together to figure out that someone used the fucking internet! I want to fucking punch something!!! Why is he the only fucking person who gets me this fucking angry?! I can deal with those obnoxious brats on the bus who sit on my stuff, I can deal with the overly loud and gross kids at school, I can deal with less intelligent people, but him. Oh my fucking god he drives me insane! Then he acts so arrogant and obnoxious and like he's king of the fucking world!!! Why don't you fucking try to grow up, huh?! You haven't matured a bit in the last 11 fucking years!!! The only progress I've seen come from you is that you don't insult people as much, but you still do it so fucking much! I fucking swear to go I wanted to punch him so bad!! And the fucking idiot can't even turn off the fucking TV after he's done. He's so dependent on others it's fucking obnoxious. *Groans* Now I remember why I want him to move out. He's irritating as fuck. And he's so moody too. My parents told him to start paying for his own living expenses and now he spends all his time in his room. And that's bad. Cause the more he spends time alone, the more critical of others and rude he gets. The more he talks and the more he asks questions. It's annoying. Ughhh, I'm done. I'm so fucking done. I'm just gonna play my games and forget him.

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