Turtlejou #1

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They're humans now. Okay? Okay. Some Moonbli, BUT. There is a method to my madness.

"Kinkajou," she heard Moon whisper. "Get up."

"Nooooo," Kinkajou mumbled, squashing her face into the pillow.

"You told me to wake you up early," the NightWing reminded her.

Oh, yeah. It's Turtle's birthday. "Fine, I'm up," Kinkajou muttered.

"Moon? You said you'd help me with my math homework," Qibli said from the door. Kinkajou was fairly sure they'd spend just as much time kissing as they would spend doing math.

As Moon gathered her geometry stuff, Qibli winked at Kinkajou. She'd told him to keep Moon distracted and out of their cave long enough to set up Turtle's surprise. She grinned back at him.

Once they'd left for the field (already hand in hand), Kinkajou got out the notes she'd taken on the most perfect couple she'd ever seen: Moon and Qibli. She needed tips on how to be a good girlfriend, and Qibli was always going on and on about how amazing Moon was. So she'd taken some notes. Always tell him he's sweet. Always kiss his cheek when you see him. Be yourself. Get as excited as you want over random stuff. Laugh at his jokes, no matter how stupid they are. Catch his eyes often. Make adorable, romantic eye contact. Listen to him. The notes stretched for pages.

"Kinkajou?" Turtle stuck his head in the room. Kinkajou panicked and tried to shove her notes under her pillow, but in her panic, she did it wrong. Her notes on how to be the perfect girlfriend were displayed right in front of Turtle. "What's this? Do homework together? Show how smart you are? Flirt endlessly? Kinkajou, what are these for?"

She blushed. "I... took notes on Moon and Qibli's relationship. I want to learn how to be the perfect girlfriend for you."

"I don't want to be like them," he protested. "Yes, they're some of my best friends. But we aren't them. We don't have to keep eye contact or hold hands everywhere and ki- hold on, you watched them kiss?"

Kinkajou shifted her feet nervously.

"Hey, I think you're perfect. You don't need to be Moon, okay?" Turtle said. "Besides, Qibli might freak out if there were two Moons around."

Kinkajou laughed. "Best day of his life."

"You realize I don't want you to change?" Turtle said.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she shouted, throwing confetti at him.

"Haven't changed a bit," Turtle said, spitting out a few pieces of confetti.

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