#Eight (With A/N)

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A/N: Hey guys, so I know it's been a bit since I've updated and I'm sorry but I do have a reason. So, as many of you know the go90 site was shut down earlier this summer, which is an issue for me as I used it as a means to write this story. With that being said, I had started Season 2 and I will post what I have and continue to search for a way that I can finish the story! 


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Three months. A lot can happen in three months. Overdose, breakups, bullying. All because Dunbar Rakes had a plan for vengeance. Even in all that bad, however, there came some good. Elisia and Rowan stayed close and after a few weeks of all but forcing their presence on Ghost, she felt that she could trust the girls. More so, she still had Ash. After the bullet went into Dunbar's brain however, Ghost couldn't handle even the thought of a relationship. That didn't mean that Ash wasn't around.

"Hey," he called, flicking paint her way and making Ghost jump as it splattered against her cheek. She turned his way and he smiled, but it faded as he realized what it could have felt like, "Sorry...you were just...out of it...where'd you go?"

"Just...thinking," she shook her head, then glanced around, "What do you think of the color?"

Ash's brow furrowed and he took a quick look around, "It's cool...why do you keep asking me stuff like that?"

Ghost bit into her lip and glanced around, knowing her parents had wanted to be there for the announcement. He watched her in confusion and she absent-mindedly wiped her face with the back of her hand, then approached with her paint roller. He eyed her and she suddenly rolled a strip along his cheek. He jerked back and puffed out his cheeks in protest to the substance on his lips, turning to look her way. The substance got on his hoodie and he groaned, but Ghost didn't look the least bit sorry.

"You're wearing white, don't tempt me," he waved a finger.

"Eh, it's spices it up," Ghost chuckled and Ash glared at her slightly, making her laugh a bit louder. The front door opened and closed, meaning that her parents had returned with the furniture for the room. They called out to her and she replied, "In here!"

Her mother appeared first, smiling and looking Ash's way, "Hey, Sweetie."

"Hi, Mrs. Rose," replied the boy with paint on his cheek, "Do you see what your daughter did?"

Rose chuckled and looked to her daughter in a way that spoke a thousand words without actually saying anything. Ghost returned the look and Ash narrowed his eyes at the pair, glancing between the suspicious characters. There was something terribly off about the exchange. Rose disappeared with a finger raised in the air, gesturing that she would be back shortly. Ghost turned on her toes, returning to the beige wall that she was turning a light grey.

"Marigold, Ash, come into the kitchen!" Rose called and Marigold licked her lips before setting the roller down and heading towards the eating area.

The dining set had since been purchased and a television was added in the family room, splurges that the family had worked towards in the past few months. However, they had been saving for the boxes of furniture that rested against the wall in the main hall for a bit longer. Ash was handed a wet paper towel by Ghost's mother, which he handed pointedly to Ghost. She rolled her eyes gently before wiping away the grey coloring.

Mr. Dave, Ghost's father glanced between the pair as he leaned against the counter behind him, his arms crossed over his chest. Ash still felt like he was left out of some big secret and as Ghost finished scrubbing the partially dry paint from his face, her father cleared his throat. Excitement buzzed in the room and Ghost slid her hand to hold his expectantly.

"What do you think of the room so far?" Mr. Dave questioned. Ash glanced around, trying to figure out the question. The father of one chuckled, "I only ask you see, because...it's yours."

His face drew in confusion, "Mine?"

"Rather than you sleeping on Marigold's floor or the edge of her bed, we thought...if you want, you could just stay here. Have a room of your own," Mrs. Rose answered and offered one of her award-winning smiles.

Ash looked down at Ghost, who's eyes pleaded for him to say yes and he couldn't believe it. His eyes watered slightly and she could see he was resisting the urge to sniffle, as he used his free hand to rub under his nose. He nodded timidly. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson nearly chuckled at the boys' display of emotion, as he, like their daughter, was averse to crying. Ghost pulled on his arm and he dove into hers, a grin on the girl's face as she felt him squeeze her. As he retracted, she pursed her lips against a smile and watching him slowly make his way to her parents, who embraced him like their own.

"Oh...I almost forgot," Ghost stood and her parents glanced her way knowingly, "I put in my own little gift."

He raised a brow, but she wove her hands through his and dragged him down the hall to the room they had been working on, gesturing inside of the closet. He looked her way, then opened the door, seeing a pair of plastic tubs on the floor. His brow furrowed in suspicion, but he wove his fingers around the lid and pulled it up, seeing new clothes. His eyes grew wide and she pressed her lips together in a hidden grin.

"I would've hung it all up, but I didn't want the paint smell in the fabric," she admitted bashfully.

Ash pushed the container shut once more and shut the doors, shaking his head. Ghost frowned worriedly, thinking perhaps she'd done too much and overwhelmed him. It was hardly her expectation that he would take her cheeks in his hands and look at her like she was something sent from up above. Even less so did she think he was going to press his lips against hers. It was quick and sweet, her fingers threading up to cover her mouth in shock and a bit of bashfulness. He grinned at her expression. God did he love her.

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