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          I'm posting this now because a few hours ago my dad, after 3 months of saying he was finally going to divorce his "evil" (his words) wife, cancelled the final court date which was going to be that very day (July 30, 2014). I had written this poem exactly a year ago because that woman put me through hell and told me to my face that she was going to leave my dad and take away my (then) one-year-old brother. (Then) I didn't want to be the cause of the divorce. I just wanted out of that hell.

          Now, my dad just expects me to go back and be a "family" like nothing had ever happened. Hell, no. I'm done. I've taken enough of that shit. This was his last chance. Now, he's lost his youngest daughter-- and there's absolutely nothing that can change that now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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