Rules & Form

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1: Any questions, ask me.

2: I will have control of many main characters. If you object to this, don't join. It's that simple.

3: Wait for confirmation before joining.

4: If your wolf is doing it has done the test, and none other wolves you use have, please wait for me to explain the test privately before playing.

5: Everyone within this roleplay may at some times need to talk privately with me in private messages. Please answer those messages when sent.

6. No cussing please. 

Name: (Their name, nickname if needed.)
Gender: (Their gender)
Age: ( Are they a pup, youngling, young adult, adult, or elder?)
Personality: (How the act, how they think ect...)
Appearance: (What they look like. Put as much detail as possible.)
Family: (Any family, including siblings, mate, and pups.)
Friends: (The people they are friends with on a best friend basis.)
Test Level: (Whether they've passed the test or done it.)
Other: (Anything else that needs to be mentioned.)

(My comments aren't working right, so if you aren't getting anything please tell me.)

The Guided Pack: A Wolf RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now