Ch. 25

410 16 0

-Marciline -

Some one knocked on the door. "Marcy, open the door!"

I smirk and turn the tv louder.

"I know you could hear me!" he yells back.

I blast some music in my speakers and dance around the flat ignoring him.

He keeps hitting the door, so I finally gave in and opened it.

"What?" I ask rudely. "Not spending time with Veronica anymore?"

He rolls his eyes. "Why is my stuff out here? Let me in,"

I closed the door a bit more. "Nope, no can do, Malik,"

"Baby, please?" He pleads showing his puppy dog face.

"I'll give you time to explain why the hell you and Veronica talk more than you and I," I persuaded.

"Why can't I just go in and explain?" he asks trying to open the door.

I held it close. "Because if I let you in, you're going to make me want you to stay,"

He scowled at me. "I can't tell you why we've been talking more,"

I was taken aback. "You can't tell your own girlfriend of almost four years about it? Well, I guess we're over then." I slammed the door shut on his face.

He started hitting the door again. "Wait, that's not what I meant!"

I went back and opened the door. "Then what did you mean?"

"I just meant that. . . we've been growing closer." I lifted an eyebrow at him.

"Really now?" I crossed my arms.

"Damn, not like that!" he protests.

"Then what?" I yell back angry. "You know what? I'm leaving. You could come here and bring Veronica and have sex whenever you two want!" I reply walking back in.

His footsteps heavy behind me. "Love, but what about us?"

I turned to him. "Us? There wasn't an us anymore for months! Did I not get the memo of meeting you guys in the main flat or was that secret thing about me?"

He didn't reply at all. His jaw was clenched down hard.

"Exactly what I thought." I replied heading up stairs.

After gathering everything that's mine, I pulled it downstairs. Zayn stood there getting teary. It honestly hurt me seeing him like this, us like this.

"Baby, please?" he asks his voice barely a whisper.

"We've grown apart." I reply. "Our rollercoaster of life stopped and I have to get out of it before I get even more sick of the ride,"

He followed behind and beat me to the door. "I'll spend more time with you, babe,"

I sighed not meeting his eyes. "I can't. I don't. . . . feel the same anymore,"

He picked my face up. "Look me in the eyes and say it,"

I clenched my jaw, not wanting tears to fall. "I don't feel the same anymore." I stuttered.

"Say it clearly," He pushes.

"I can't." I pushed passed him and headed out the door.

Walking out, I called Cher to see if she's busy. She finally answered. I told her the whole situation and she was heading out to pick me up.

-Cher's Flat -

"Thanks for letting me stay here." I sigh setting in to the couch.

She smiles helping me get my stuff in. "Not a problem. Does the boys know you're with me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nope. None of them do,"

"Oh, well." She shrugs.

I bit my lip. "So do you know any of secret stuff they were talking about?"

She looked taken aback. "No, nothing at all,"

I sighed. "What do you think is-"

Her phone rang and she looked at it then back to me.

Harry showed on her screen.

"Go and answer it," I reply laying back down.

She answered the phone and paced around. She answered the phone nervously. She gave me a nervous smile.

I lifted an eye brow at her. Are you hiding something from me? I mouthed.

She rolled her eyes and waved her hand around, whilst still talking on the phone.

I rolled my eyes and lower my head back.

"Hey, want to catch a film?" She asks walking back in.

I groaned closing my eyes. "No, I'm really tired from that fight,"

She lays next to me. "C'mon! We haven't hung out together in forever!"

I opened my eyes and frowned. "Do I have to?" I ask like a child.

She giggles. "Yes, ma'am,"

I groan and get up. Changing into a Boo You Whore black muscle tee, ombre denim shorts and a black leather jacket with black platform straps, I lied back down and waited for Cher.

She walked in wearing a crop top Jersey, leather pants, and black heel boots. "Let's go, Baby Boo,"

I laugh and met her at the door. "Hey, what was all that with Harry?"

She nervously drove the car, while biting her lip. "Oh, he just wanted to catch up and stuff,"

I played with the radio stations and finally put it to one. "So, I don't remember the theater being this far. Where are we going?"

She looked tensed while driving like she was paranoid. "To the theater. Where else?"

"Then why are we pulling up to an open field?" I ask squinting at it.

"Oh, it's just a nice night out." She said turning the car off.

We got out of the car and Cher held my hand leading me somewhere.

"Shit, this better not be like a scary movie!" I tell her.

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