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Siarrah's P.O.V

"I knew you shouldn't have gone with that girl." Mom scolds as we walk to her car

I roll my eyes. "How would you know? You don't even know Marciline."

"I know she has a criminal record back in the U.S."

"You Googled her?" I ask

"I didn't have to. The police men told me about her." She admits

"So? Just because she does those things doesn't mean I will."

"How do I know you're not doing drugs?" She asks as we get in the car.

"Mom,do you ever think I will? Marciline doesn't use drugs! I'll even take a test if you want me to."

She starts the car and starts driving. "Good 'cause I'm taking you to the hospital now." She tells me.

I roll my eyes and sit back.

Liam's P.O.V

"I'm sorry,mum." I duck my head down as we get in her car.

"Liam James Payne,these things that you are doing better not get in the way of your classes."

"Yes,mum." I nod.

She kisses the top of my head. "Good boy. Don't forget you have to audotion for X-Factor tomorrow."

"Oh yea. Thanks for reminding me."

"No problem."

Niall's P.O.V

"Mum,can we get food?" I ask.

"No,Niall." mom says sternly as she pulls out from the station

My stomach grumbles. "Pleeeeaaaase!"

"Oh alright. But remember we're going back to Ireland for X-Factor."

"Okay." I breathed.

Harry's P.O.V

Mum pulls me out from the ear.

"Harry,stop getting into trouble or we won't go to X-Factor."mum threatened.

"Mum!" I whined

"No,Harry. I'll make you a deal. If you don't get into any trouble this week and next week,you could audition."

I smile widely. "Ok."

She nodded then drove us home.

Louis's P.O.V

"Mummy,I want to go audition!" I whine as we get in her car.

"Louis,act your age." mum says

"I am! I'm acting my age at heart!"

"That only worked when you were seven. You're eighteen now;act like it."

I pout at her. "But can I still audition?"

"Fine." she sighs.

I smile as she drives home.

Zayn's P.O.V

"Zayn Javaad Malik, I thought we went over this. I am very disappointed at you." Dad says.

"You are never to date that girl,again." mum adds

"No,that's not fair."

"Zayn,you got arrested to many times this month. If you get arrested again then we won't go to X-Factor."

"Fine." I grumbled.

Sierrah's P.O.V

Mum and I gave a cup of my pee to the lady. The doctor came out and told us it takes about three days. Mum got fustrated then calmed down. She drove us back home

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