Chapter One

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"We're going to be late!" Katie slams her fist against the leather steering wheel and glares at the red light that just won't turn green.

"It's fine. We barely even know the kid." I shrug and watch as the woman in the car next to us takes a bite of her hamburger. 

"Danny is my boyfriend, and I actually like him, so I'd like to make a good impression." She checks her auburn hair in the rearview mirror, pulling a strand away from her face.

"He already knows you, so impressions are out the window. Besides, it's his little brother's party, not his." I say, but my eyes are fixed on the stranger's hamburger beside me. 

"Finally!" She yells, startling me, but when we fly forward, I realize the light turned green. 

Thanks to Katie's speed racer driving skills, we arrive at Danny's house within three minutes after that dreadful light. A few cars are parked outside his house, and I assume they belong to the parents that want to make sure everything is in order.

The house doesn't look too special to me, but Katie doesn't stop going on about how incredible it is as we walk to the door, which is open, saving me the anxiety of ringing the door bell. When we step inside, I instantly regret coming. Numerous seven year olds are running wild, and I'm not a fan of children.

"Babe!" Danny saunters over to us, throwing his arms around Katie and locking his lips with her. 

"Hey, is there a bathroom I can use?" I ask, and he points behind him without breaking his face from Katie's. How romantic.

I roll my eyes and proceed into the living room where a few moms are gossiping on the couch. Avoiding their judging eyes, I turn down a hall and peer into the first room on the right, and thankfully, it's a bathroom.

I flip the switch and quickly close the door. The mirror above the sink is huge, like one of the biggest mirrors I've seen in a bathroom. Instantly, my eyes take in my body. My collar bones aren't prominent enough today, and that's probably because I ate dinner last night.

This shirt makes me look like the size of a tree trunk. No, not the shirt. My loss of control last night makes me look fat because I am fat. I pull my blonde hair up into a ponytail, but that just shows off my chubby cheeks, so I put it back down.

"Is someone in there?" Someone calls through the door, and my heart stops. 

"Uh, yeah. Sorry." I say and hold my breath. Is he gone? It's been thirty three seconds since I responded.

I take one last glance in the mirror, frowning at the revolting sight, then open the door. The hallway is empty, though, so he must have left. I walk back into the living room, but instead of sitting on the empty chair, I slide the glass door open and walk outside. 

I dig through my purse until I find the pack of cigarettes and lighter. Without having to think about it, I light one and breathe in the smoke. 

"Could I steal a cigarette from you?" The same voice from outside the bathroom asks me. I cautiously turn around and take in the boy. He looks to be my age, so he must be a friend of Danny's.

"Sure." I pull the pack from my purse again and hold it out to him. He takes one and slightly bends down so I can light it. 

"Thanks." He says once the tip is glowing red. We lean against the deck railing in silence, breathing in our cigarettes.

"Why are you here?" I blow out some smoke, imagining I'm a chic model, but then I remember my size.

"My mother and father forgot the condom." He watches the kids running around in the grass below us.

"That's obviously not what I meant."

"Not even a pity laugh?" 

"Answer me." 

"My girlfriend had to work today, so I'm stuck watching her little cousin." He takes a drag from the cigarette, shaking his head.

I throw my cigarette on the ground, not bothering to care that it's only half way gone, and go back inside. Of course he has a girlfriend. He's amazing looking. His brown hair that meets his sharp jaw line. 

He would never go for someone like me, anyway. I'm too disgusting for him. He probably felt sick just standing by me. All one hundred and twenty pounds of me.

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