Chapter Two

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"Why aren't you playing with Charlie?" Katie's voice scares me, and I turn around to face her wide, accusing eyes.

"Who's Charlie?" I take a sip of my Coke Zero, thanking God for whoever bought this.

"Danny's step brother." She says matter of factly.

"I thought we were here for his brother."

"It's his step brother."

"So, you were wrong. Alert the media!" I push past her, walking into the living room. The kitchen is starting to give me anxiety.

"Where are you going?" She jogs after me, "It's time to eat."

I groan, and she grabs my hand, pulling me back in to the kitchen. She doesn't let go of me the whole time everyone sings Happy Birthday and open the boxes of pizza. When they start cutting the cake, she gives me a little squeeze, and this is why I'm still able to hang around Katie.

"I'm starving." The boy from outside says, and I wonder when he appeared next to me. I usually miss things when I'm around food.

"I'll get you a slice, okay?" Katie asks like a soothing mother, and I slowly nod. I mean, I can't really refuse it with all these people around.

"She's not going to get me anything?" He asks, but I don't even turn to look at him. Shouldn't he be talking to his girlfriend?

"One pepperoni pizza!" Katie enthusiastically announces as she hands me the slice, and I know she got the smallest slice availabe, for which I'm thankful.

"Where's your pizza?" I look down at her empty hands. If I have to eat, then so does she.

"I'm going for the cake first." She laughs, and goes back into the chaos of kids trying to get all the food they can.

"I guess I have to get it myself." The boy says and joins Katie in the chaos.

I move in to the dining room, which is empty, and take a seat. Sipping on my zero calorie soda, I stare at the greasy pizza in front of me. It's smell fills my nostrils, and I swear I'm drooling. It looks so good, but I can't. I'm already big enough. If I eat this, I'll gain at least two pounds.

I look up from the pizza and see the green eyed boy sitting across from me. Great, I've been probably been staring at this pizza like a freak. Not that it matters, anyway.

"This is great." He says in between monstrous bites. He has three slices on his plate, and I wonder how he got away with that.

"Yeah." I mutter, looking back down at my skinny slice.

"Are you going to finish your piece of pizza?" He asks me, and I can see the hunger in his eyes as he looks at the slice of pepperoni pizza in my hands instead of at me.

"Do you want it or something?" I push the unnecessary calories towards the boy.

"You don't like pizza?" He asks with bewilderment, lifting the greasy food to his mouth, "It's my favorite."

"I don't like food." I mutter and quickly stand to leave.

"That's a little dramatic, don't you think?" I hear him ask, but I'm already out of the room.

I push my way through all of the messy, loud kids in the kitchen, and slip through the sliding door in the living room. The cool air is refreshing and lets me breathe. My stomach lets out a growl, and I roll my eyes. I left my Coke Zero in the dining room.

To give my mouth something to do, I pull a cigarette from my bag and light it, letting the smoke fill my lungs. The door slides open and shut behind me, but I don't bother turning around. It's probably some loner kid.

"Another smoke break?" This guy just doesn't know how to take a hint.

"Yep." I take a drag of my cigarette, "Can I help you with something?"

"Well, I'm not really wanting to spend my day with seven year olds, and I thought you would feel the same way."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Let's get out of here." He chews on his bottom lip, leaning his elbow on the deck railing.

"I don't even know your name." 


"Sorry, Harry, but I'm here with Katie, and I'm not the type to just ditch a friend." I stare at the setting sun in front of me.

"I bet I could treat you better than Katie."

"Don't you have to watch your girlfriend's cousin?" 

"He told me he's going to spend the night here, so I'm clear." He smiles, and I turn around, looking at everyone eating through the glass door. 

"Let's go." I throw my cigarette on the ground.

"I don't even know your name." He says, leading us to the door and opening it for me.

"It's probably better that way." I reply, averting my gaze from the plates full of cake. Cake was always a favorite of mine.

"My car is over here." Harry calls, and I blink. When did we get outside?

"Oh, right. Sorry." I mumble, turning towards the drive way. My stomach rumbles, and I instinctively grab it. Luckily, Harry is already in the car.

"Anywhere you would like to go?" He asks, putting the car in reverse.

"Not really." I click the buckle in place, wanting something to do with my hands.

"Alright, to my house we go." 

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