ℓєт мє ѕнσω уσυ 1/2

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(PART 1)



"I know you hear me!"

At this point I don't care how loud I am or how insane I sound,thanks to my French accent and the fact that I'm yelling makes it worst.

The closer I got to her dressing room the louder I yelled.Edging closer to the room I stormed in,noticing an empty room,with no sign of iris.

"What the hell?"



Matrimony by wale, blazed my speakers as I sped down the highway.I'm stressed out, tired,and to top it off angry.I desperately need something supporting and comforting and I know exactly who to count on.Just in time, I saw Wendy's on my left side.Making sure no cars were coming and most importantly no police officers were in sight, I mad a uturn making a beeline straight for Wendy's.Successfully pulling into the lot I sped around to the drive through thinking about the greasy goods my stomach was about to receive.

Food has always and will help me when I need it most.Its like all the greasy fat absorbs my fustrations and insecurities of maybe one day not being good enough or losing someone because you have trustissues or--

"Excuse me are you ready to order?"


I was rudely brought back to reality just in time before my nervous break down occurred.

I cleared my throat before speaking."Can I get a baconator combo,6-piece chicken nuggets meal,home style chicken sandwich meal and a bacon cheese baked potato."

"Is that all?"

"No, can you add a small chocolate frosty also and instead of having a drink for every meal can I have one large Coke?"

"Yes,ma'am your total is $27.16"

Without another word shared between the both of us, I drove around to the first window,paying my total and drove to the second window.

"One baconator meal,6-piece chicken nuggets meal,one home style chicken sandwich meal,a bacon cheese baked potato and chocolate frosty?"

I nodded my head before reaching over to receive my goods.Before you knew it I was back out on the road heading home.


With only a couple of minutes until I reached my sanctuary my phoned sung Lay Me Down by Sam Smith.I knew exactly who it was calling,so I let it ring going straight to voicemail.

Stuffing my mouth with fries,I turned on 107.9.Like a big baby I am, I burst into tears singing along to the song that will soon hunt me,Lay Me Down.Off key so what,I sung my heart out while stuffing fries down my throat.


It's past 1 o'clock and I'm still stuck in this taxi."You think you can speed it up a little?" I asked "five dollar extra" he spoke,with a Chinese accent."Make it twenty." "I like how you work" he grins, as I slipped him the twenty dollar bill.


It is a quarter till two and I finally made it to Iris house." Thank you" I said handing him a hundred dollar bill."no, thank you. " he said.I stepped out of the cab and walked up to the porch to see the door cracked.I shook my head at how this simple mistake could of turned in to something you'll see on the news.Easing inside I was hit with the smell of food.I closed and locked the door behind me,following the heavenly sent that caressed my nose.

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