
21 1 0

Running downstairs as quickly as I could, I slid against the titles of the flooring once more, causing myself to bounce off the final steps and onto the floor. Ow...ow... I slowly stood up, only to see umma and appa staring at me. I stood there brushing my dress back down completely embarrassed once more. Umma had just told me to be careful...apparently that means bounce down the stairway. I shook my head as I slowly put on my short heeled sandals. My parents continued to watch me as my father looked back down at his paperwork as my mother drank her tea.

"Don't be out too late tonight y/n, and remember to BE CAREFUL." Umma spoke clearly into her mug. "Of course umma, and whenever I am with Junseo, he is always protective of me, so I am around him." My parents looked up at me once more just as someone knocked on the front door. I quickly turned around, checking my hair in the small wall mirror just before opening the door.

As the door slowly swung open, there stood before me was Junseo, smiling brightly as he always does. His hair was slightly styled and partially covering his left eye. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a light weighted jacket over top, accompanied by his favorite dark blue jeans and necklace his mother gave him. I blushed softly, clearing my throat as he brushed his hair back softly and continued to smile.

"Y/n, you look absolutely beautiful." Junseo bowed slightly as a nervous smiled appeared on his lips. I smiled back, as I checked the straps on my heels. "Umma, uppa, I will be back home later." I announced before quickly leaving the house with Junseo.

We walked down my neighborhood streets, going on about the places where we used to hang out and play as kids, and where the best places to hide during hide and seek were.

"You could never find me whenever I hid, y/n. I guess I am just the best hide and seek player there is." He playfully scoffed turning the corner towards town. I looked up at him and smirked. "Yeah yeah, you always beat me. I know. How many times are you going to remind me?" Junseo turned to face me, smirking from ear to ear. "Until we are old and grey, just so I can continue to see you wrinkle your nose whenever I mention it." He smiled softly and continued to walk ahead of me. My eyes slightly widened, tapping both sides of my face to feel for any warmth. I had to of been blushing. After a comment like that, there was no way I wasn't starting to look like a cherry!

As we made our way into town, we first stopped into a small little café where me and Junseo used to always go whenever we got out of school. We'd meet up with friends and even sometimes study together here. "Omo~!! somethings smells soooo good!" I squeaked, slightly bouncing in place. Junseo snickered slightly, covering half of his face. We walked over at sat at our usual table (which always seems to be open whenever we are there), and looked over the menu. "See anything you'd like today y/n?" Junseo smiled so brightly, even catching the attention of a nearby table of high school girls close by. I looked down at the menu as my mouth began to lightly water. I have been here so many times, but it seems that they are always adding something new!

I browsed over the menu items all while Junseo never took his eyes off of me. I finally rose my head up, meeting a soft, cute expressional gaze with Junseo. I began to blush slightly just before quickly picking up the menu and covering my face. "Why are you being so cute today y/n?" Junseo whispered, slowly pushing the menu down to uncover my eyes. I blinked a few times, biting my lip softly behind the menu. I have always found my best friend to be handsome, and today marked the first time I have been able to actually see him after such a long time. He is always busy with work, and me... well like umma said, I never leave my room.

Junseo slowly removed the menu from my fingers and placed it back down on the table. "Did you find something you wanted?" he asked again. Come on... get it together. Don't be rude and make him ask again! I thought. "Y...yes I did." I quickly pointed to the menu item and waited for a response. "That actually sounds really good y/n!" Soon after finally deciding, a lighter haired woman came over to the table, holding a small piece of paper. "Welcome to the Café Bene, is there anything you'd like to order?" This entire time she was speaking, her eyes were glued to Junseo, who cannot hep but sit there and be himself and smile. "Actually, can we please have one medium Hot Caramel Macchiato, a Blueberry Yogurt Smoothie, and He paused for a slight moment looking down at the menu once more as a sly smile appeared against lips. And one signature Whipped Cream Strawberry Waffle please. The woman nodded her head as she quickly wrote everything down, still keeping her entire attention towards Junseo. I sat there, folding my leg over the other, watching the woman continue to drool over my friend. Goodness. "I will call your name when your order is ready... what is the name?" I looked at Junseo, wondering if he was about to fall for one of the oldest tricks in the book. "Min." The woman smiled softly. "Your full name?" she asked. Junseo looked back at me and smiled. "Just Min please." The woman slightly scoffed and kicked the ground as she began to walk away.

"Just your surname?" I asked. Junseo laughed and sat back in his chair as his jacket began to fall slightly off his shoulder. "She doesn't need my full name for a coffee order." I giggled heavily, looking back at the counter where the woman was holding a heavy angered gaze in our direction. "She looks pretty upset now that you didn't comply with what she asked." I smirked. Junseo didn't even look over at the counter and continued to face me. "Enough about her, I want to know what you have been up to since we got to see each other last." I embarrassedly sank into my seat. "W...well...not really much other then school.." Junseo sat up, looking at my with a look of concern. "What do you mean? You're not hiding away from the world again are you?" I sat there quietly, fiddling with the small keychain on the side of my purse. "Y/n...you know you can't do that. It makes me really worry about you.." My head rose, quickly fixing my position in my seat. I am sorry...I just..." Before I could finish, a loud voice rang through the café.

"Number 24! Min whatever else your name is, your order is ready." My jaw hit the table as I quickly looked back at Junseo, who was shaking his head in disbelief. "Wow... that was kinda rude...here let me..." As I went to stand up, Junseo gently pushed me back into my seat. "Don't worry about her, or paying. Today is my treat." He winked softly, fixed his jacket and walked up to the counter. I sat there turning a soft shade of pink as the girls at another table looked upon with the eyes of jealous and envy. I quickly sank back into my seat, trying to pretend they weren't there. I looked back up towards the counter, watching this woman try her hardest to show interest to Junseo, who was trying to be the nice guy, but still ignore her. She placed the smoothie, and the Machhiato on the counter. Junseo smiled softly, taking them in his hands, and bringing them swiftly back to the table, just before walking away once more. I slowly pulled my Macchiato close as I noticed his Blueberry smoothie cup had something written on the side. I sighed heavily, slowly turning the cup. My eyes narrowed. It was the workers number. I slowly peered over to the counter, keeping my eyes narrowed on the woman. Junseo, grabbed the small Strawberry Waffle plate. Before he was able to take one step, the woman behind the counter tapped him on the shoulder. I continued to sit from my seat, watching closely as I could feel my blood beginning to boil.

"I didn't know if you wanted any whipped cream or not, so I topped it off myself.... with a heart." Junseo looked confused at the waffle, noticing the heart shaped whipped cream pile. Junseo bit his tongue and looked up at the woman and have another smile. Knowing him as long as I have, I can tell when he is sincerely being kind towards someone, or when he is finding that level of annoyance. This was that level. His eyebrow slightly twitched, as he met his eyes with the woman working. "Thank you so much, my girlfriend will absolutely love that." Her eyes looked like they were going to fall out of her head as she stepped back away from the counter. I turned around at the moment to see that woman also giving me what I call the "glare of death" as Junseo walked back to our table.

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