Run Away Bride

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A heavy growl fell from Barons lip, eyes starting to turn a bright shade of red. His grip continued to tighten upon my waist as his lips pressed against the fresh puncture wounds upon my neck. A quickly pull on the arm from Barons friend caused him to release his grip. He continued to gaze into my eyes with lust filled eyes, as they continued to brighten. I began to feel my knees quake as I quickly pushed him away, dashing out of the ballroom. With heavy comosion, the Choi's and my parents frantically ran to the door. I was no where to be found. Mr.Choi yelled out for Baron and his friends. They immediately got up from the table, Baron still in a heavy huff. "What the hell just happened?!" Before Baron was able to speak, his friend stepped in front of him. "Baron is experiencing... some difficulties and may have just startled his bride." Mr.Choi's eyes grew red with anger. "What were you thinking?! This situation is already delicate enough!" Baron quickly bowed in front of his father. "I apologize f..." interrupted, Mr.Choi threw his glass to the floor. "FIND HER NOW! BEFORE SOMETHING HAPPENS TO HER!"

Without a second thought, all three young men took off in a dashing fashion through the halls of the mansion in search. I was frantically running through one of the darkest hallways, just to find myself in front of a door. I slowly pushed it open, seeing the beautiful moonlight shining through the crack. I took a heavy sigh and quickly made my way out the door, catching the veil on the lock of the door, pulling my entire hair out as I continued to run. "I'm not staying here with him! I can't!!! I didn't ask for this!! I don't want this! I am a human being! Not food!" I continued to frantically run into the nearby woods as tears began to stream down the sides of my cheeks.

Inside the mansion, Baron and his friends were searching every room of the mansion. "Where the hell did she go?!" Jacob screamed slamming another door shut. Baron growled heavily beneath his breathe, busting through the door of his brides bedroom. He slowly walked in, looking around for any clues as to where I bride may be hiding. His friend picked up my phone, noticing several missed called from someone. "Looks like someone else is looking for the lady as well." Baron came stepping from out of the bathroom in a huff, snatching the phone from his friends hand. Across the screen said."Junseo 12 missed calls." Barons eyes lit up, throwing the phone to the floor as he quickly dashed out of the room. The friend looked at Jacob and shook his head running after Baron.

Outside the mansion, I found myself stepping on every rock, and stick I swore I could find without shoes. I stopped for a brief second, brushing the stones from my feet, feeling a little wetness from broken skin. Great... I turned behind me, realizing that I was now completely lost in the middle of nowhere.. I slowly walked cautiously a few more steps, tripping over what felt like a giant stump. I turned to notice a dead animal laying on the ground. Completely startled I quickly crawled several feet away, catching a sleeve of my dress on a branch, cutting open my arm. Ahhh... I winced in pain, holding my arm tightly as the blood streamed between my fingers. I slowly stood to my feet, continuing to walk in the direction I prayed home was. After a few more minutes of walking, a shuffling sound caught my ears. I quickly turned around, noticing there was nothing behind me. Took a few more steps just to hear it again. Tears began to stream down my face as the feeling of terror began to fill my body..

In the Mansion, the reception was ended, and everyone had left except for those who lived in the mansion and my parents. Mr.Choi came storming in the main hall. "BARON! LOU! JACOB!" He shouted as my parents came rushing into the room. "Have they found our little girl yet?" My mothers eyes welling up with gallons of tears, was brought to a complete hault when the three young men appeared in front of them. Mr.Choi looked at the men who were obviously just as clueless as he was. "She can't have gone far!!! Did you search all the rooms?!" Baron nodded his head. "Did you check her room?" Mrs.Choi added. Jacobs friend snickered slightly. Mr.Choi's eyes lit up. "And what is so damn funny?! I don't see how a missing bride is funny!" Jacob shook himself back to normal and cleared his throat. "My apologizes sir...but yes..we checked this mistresses room. There is no sign of her anywhere."

As Mr.Choi went to grab a hold of his son, Sunmi came running into the room, panting heavily. Everyone turned towards her. "Young master! Your mistress has gone out of the mansion!" Everyone's eyes widened as panic begin to set the room. "How did you find this out Sunmi?" Mrs. Choi asked. Sunmi stood partially up at attention, and pointed towards the back of the mansion. "She went out one of the back doors my lord.. her veil was snatched on the door with it still cracked open.." Barons eyes widened futher looking back towards the hallway and taking off running before his father, mother or friends could act. Mr.Choi looked at Lou and Jacob and ordered them to follow Baron. "I want them brought back safely do you understand?" They nodded in agreement and took off after Baron who had already busted through the door.

Baron looked around the darkened back woods of his home, trying to think logically. Lou came running up behind him. "What do you want to do?" Baron looked forward and pointed towards the trees. "We search the forest. There's no way she's not in there." Jacob came speeding up to join them, taking a heavy sigh. "Stupid girl...she's gonna get killed in there." Baron growled hevaily at his friend as he raised a fist. Lou quickly blocked Barons arm. "This is not the time to fight! We need to find lady y/n before something happens tk her." The three nodded in agreement and rushed into the woods.

Back in the darkness, I was beginning to feel lightheaded, and extremely weak. I couldn't have lost that much blood...could I? Blood still pouring from my newly gashed open arm, I tightened my grip and continued to push myself forward. I was so lightheaded that the shuffling noises and everything else around me became unnoticed. I felt as if I was half asleep and that my feet were the only things working at full mass. Amongst the trees, a mysterious figure was watching. He waited patiently, quietly among the darkness, waiting. I looked up into the darkened skies, wishing I was at home...laying in my bed...away from all this madness. I suddenly fell to the ground, breathing heavily as my eyes began to feel heavy. "No..I must stay...awake.." I rolled over, trying to pick myself up from the ground. As I was almost to my wobbly, wakened feet, a hand came from behind my body, gripping a tight hold of my neck. "Oh your scent was just too inviting to keep me away."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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