Chapter 7: You Didn't Just Save Me

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Mabel sat there starring off into the valley. It reminded her a lot about why she loved summer and coming to Gravity Falls. It was just so peaceful looking. Even with all that she had endured here both physically and mentally, she still had a special place for it in her heart. A place she could never fill again if lost. The sun was nearing the horizon. It was still a while till sunset, but the calmness of it all left Mabel imagining it happening right now.

The silence was soon shattered by the sound of an approaching helicopter. Mabel soon spotted it approaching her location. She waved at it as she raced up back to the field, the only level place the helicopter could land.

As it landed, two air ambulance works rushed out. Mabel guided them to where Ford was. They wasted no time loading him up and getting out of there.

Mabel looked out the window down at the field of flowers. They blew with the helicopter's rotor wind. She watched as the summit disappeared into the horizon.

The ride took no time at all. Soon they arrived back at the hospital. Ford was rushed off into the ER while Mabel was taken to be checked out. An hour later, Doctor Robert entered the room she was being checked out in.

"Oh Mabel, I'm so glad to see you again. How are you feeling," he asked?

"I'm fine. But what about my family," she asked.

"Well, Stan and your brother are still being cared for. Ford's now joined them. They're all stable still," Dr. Robert replied with a sigh.

"Well I have some good news for you," Mabel said as she pulled out the container full of the special herb from her bag.

"Is this enough," she asked.

Doctor Robert smiled, "It's more then enough. We'll get the herb made into the medicine right away," he said.

"So, will this save them," Mabel asked.

"Well, the antidote is going to be arriving soon. This should weaken the virus enough so that when we give Stan, Dipper and Ford it, they will be back to normal in no time," dr. Robert said as he started for the exit.

"Wait, what about me," Mabel asked.

The doctor looked at her, "Well, it's late. Almost ten PM. I can have the nurse take you to the waiting room so you can call one of your friends," he said.

"No. I can't leave my family. They need me," protested Mabel as she ran up to him.

The doctor sighed as he bent down to her, "look Mabel, I understand how much you want to be there for your family, but right now, we can't let you. The best thing you can do for them right now is making sure that you yourself are fine. I mean, you need your rest too," he said.

As much as Mabel didn't want to, the doctor was right. And she was too tired already to ask otherwise, "please take care of them for me," she asked.

Infected : A Mabel and Ford bonding storyWhere stories live. Discover now