Chapter Twelve

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It took a minute or two for Dean to realize he'd drifted to sleep. He was cozy and warm, the kind of cozy and warm that makes you want to lay in bed all day and just ignore all your responsibilities for once. It took him even longer to realize he'd passed out in Cas's room, and after that a moment to figure out why Sam was sneering at him as he passed by with a cup of coffee. He turned his head to look at Cas, only to be greeted by a face-full of hair, Cas snuggled up against his side, face buried in the crook of his neck.

He looked to his brother who was stifling his laughter in the doorway.

"I swear if you took a picture, I will snap you and your phone in half."

Sam laughed, taking a long sip from his mug, smug grin remaining all the while.

"Sure thing, if you can catch me, lover boy."

"If I weren't so damn comfortable I'd kicked your ass already."

Sam let out a scoff, cracking a smile as he glanced at the ground, repositioning the newspaper tucked beneath his arm.

"Right. Well, breakfast is on me."

"Hey!" Dean yelled after him as he left the doorway and started down the hall. "Get me some pie!!"

Cas stirred, Dean gazing down at him. His blue eyes gazed back up at him, Cas sitting up, slumping against the headboard as he gave a big yawn, rubbing an eye with a palm. He slightly squinted at Dean as he, too, sat upright.


"Don't be."

Dean was staring down at Cas's hands, imagining what they'd feel like when held. He stared at Cas's lips, which were moving, but Dean didn't hear a word. He heard his voice, enjoying the sound of it. All he could think about is what his lips would feel like against his. All he could think about was Cas.

Cas gave him a head tilt as Dean mumbled something to himself.


Dean looked to Cas, then back down at his lips, taking in a deep breath before saying,

"... Screw it."

He slid his hands under the ones he longed to hold, giving them a squeeze. He leaned over, stealing from the lips he wished to kiss. Cas's entire being tensed, he froze, staying completely still. Dean pulled back. His heart had sunk a little but, what had he expected? Hell, he hadn't even been thinking straight. He adverted Cas's wide with surprise eyes as he bit his lip. He'd really screwed up this time, huh?


"No, Dean, I'm um..." Cas pauses, rubbing the back of his neck and he stared down at Dean's hand, which were still clutching his other.

"I, um. I am flattered by your... Um. Affections, Dean..."

Dean shook his head. Cas didn't mean it. He was freaked as hell, wasn't he?

"It's okay to say you're not."

"No, I-I'm... I'm flattered, really, I am, it's just..."

"What is it?"

"I," Cas turned his gaze from Dean to his hands. "I just never expected you'd feel the same way..."

"Yeah, I uh, I guess..." Dean muttered, letting out a small, quiet laugh. "That I like you, more than a um, friend."

Cas flashed Dean a little smile.

"I suppose the same could be said for me."


A nod in response.

Their eyes locked. Lips met, over and over, Dean sliding his hands across Cas's waist and bringing the angel closer. They laid there in each other's arms, muttering, "I love you's," between kisses and light laughter. It'd been awhile since either felt so great.

***I stole pretty much all of this from an RP I'm doing with a friend. You're reading this. You know who you are. Hey, it's Chapter Twelve, and thEY FINALLY KISSED! WOOH! Anywho, Happy Apocalypse! Thank you so so so much for reading. ***

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