Chapter Sixteen [Part One]

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Dean awoke with a raging headache and god-awful stomach pains. With a groan he turn over, stuffing his face in his pillow. Last night was a blur. By the time he'd reached an arm out, he'd remembered one thing at least. There was no warmth there for him to hold, only an absence sharing the bed with him now. He felt a dull pain, this time not from his stomach, but his heart. He sat up, smoothing his hair out and looking down at his watch.

8:27 AM. He almost turned to plant a kiss on a cheek before catching himself in the act then slid out of bed, making his way to the kitchen. He walked in on Sam making breakfast.


"... Hey."

Sam pushed some scrambled eggs around in the pan, gesturing to the cupboard with his shoulder.

"Can you grab some plates?"


He grabbed some plates and set them on the table one at a time. One, two, three. He froze as the third plate was being placed, looking up to see Sam staring at him. He gave the plate a look and set it down anyways, not wanting to bother with it. Sam scraped some eggs and bacon onto his plate before serving himself.


Dean stared down at his plate full of food for a moment, barely catching Sam's words.

"Uh, y'know what? I'm not hungry."

He slid his plate away, looking in Sam's direction, but not at him. He didn't know if he could. He didn't want to see the look on his face.

"Why don't you give it to Kevin?"

The chair screeched against the tile as Dean got up, making his way for an exit as quickly as he could manage.

"Dean, hey."

He ignored him, grabbing the keys to the Impala.


"What, Sam?"

He stopped and turned, Sam giving him those dew eyes that always worked on anybody and everybody.

"Can we... Can we talk about this?"

"There's nothing to talk about Sam."

"Dean, don't give me that crap!"

Sam wrenched the car keys of Dean's hand, clutching them in his fist.

"Give 'em back Sam."

"Dean, I know how you're feeling, I do-"

"No. No, you don't know a damn thing. Give me the keys."

Dean stepped forwards, Sam taking a step back.


"I will punch you."

"Just listen to me for a second."

Dean shut his mouth, staring blankly at his younger brother.

"I know you're worried about Cas. I get it-but he wouldn't want you to stop taking care of yourself, or drink yourself senseless. I'm not saying don't look for him but, come on Dean, look out for yourself once in a while."

Dean stared down at his feet, peering up at Sam.

"Are we done?"

Sam heaved out a sigh, keys dangling from his fingers as he held them out.

"Yeah. We're done."

***Sorry, I know this is short, but I'm planning on uploading two chapters today. :] As you may have noticed I have a thing about separating time by chapters... Like that one chapter where Dean drove off and I had Sam and Dean's POVs all in one drove me kinda crazy because I just have a thing. So, two chapters for you today!***

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