Chapter IV

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"Andrew," said the woman jubilantly as she strode over to him and kissed him on the cheek. She kept her ash brunette hair straightened, so it reached her elbows. She gingerly placed an ivory hand on his left cheek while pressing her lips to his right cheek. She pulled away and her hazel eyes sparkled. "Where is this Carly? What have you done to her?"

"You can ask her that yourself," he responded, and relieved her of some of her luggage. He took her up to his apartment, and opened the door.

"This is not the apartment I paid for, Andrew," she said sharply, eyeing him suspiciously.

"No, it's mine," he replied smugly before stealing a kiss and slipping into the opening room of the apartment. "Carly's is three doors over to the left, if you want to meet her."

Penelope gave him a chiding look, but turned on her heels and stalked over to Carly's door. Reaching out polished fingernails and a smooth hand, she knocked. In her free hand, she held a clutch-style bag. Penelope Anwir wore a steel blue shimmering pencil skirt with a loose white blouse, a gold belt, and two-and-a-half inch dark gray heels.

Carly opened up, and immediately, Penelope sized her up. In her own way, Carly was suave. She wore a nice pinkish tan shirt that fit her form, blue bell-bottoms, and silvery flats. There was a stunning leather belt that wrapped around her waist. For someone who at first glance seemed rather average, Carly knew how to look good.

"You must be Carly. I'm Penelope," said the female agent, sticking out her hand. Carly looked Penelope up and down as the two shook hands. "According to the CIA, there will be two rooms. So, I hope you don't mind if I share with Drew."

"Drew?" Carly's brow came together before realization crossed her face. Her mouth formed an 'o'. She got the feeling only one person could call Andrew 'Drew.' "No, trust me, I don't mind. Better you in there than me."

"Good," Penelope said. "I hope he hasn't...scarred you in anyway."

Carly looked taken aback and felt slightly uncomfortable. "Uhh, not unless you mean a little flirting."

"Good," the female agent repeated, flashing a bright white smile. "It was nice to meet you, and I'm certainly glad you'll be helping us."

"Yeah, me too." At that moment, Carly seemed a bit youthful and innocent in Penelope's eyes.

"Hmm," Penelope said and grinned again. "Well, I'll see you later then. Perhaps over dinner?"

"Okay," Carly replied. "Bye."

Later that night, Carly wondered if Penelope and Yampa would be going out to dinner. She wondered if they would invite her. After all, not only was it the polite thing to so, but also Penelope had mentioned talking over dinner. And yet, they never showed, so she ordered room service. The best room service she had ever had.

Penelope and Drew, as she called him, did indeed go out to dinner that night. They ate on the terrace of a gourmet restaurant across the street from the central building, The Cartel base. It began with buisness, except a few remarks from Andrew, as they studied the buidling.

Then, Penelope began questioning about Carly. She was wary about letting her in on the mission. Carly could easily be their undoing. She could easily be the cause of them ending up like her, stuck in The Cartel's trade. Yampa, on the other hand, wasn't as supportve of that view point. He held a little more confidence in the young doctor.

After Drew had finally managed to convince Pen that Carly screwing everything up would be impossible, the conversation moved onto the actual mission. Their plan. What they knew already, and what they needed to know and do in order to take down The Cartel.

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