Ja-ron's Story

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Flash Back -

*Black Out*

Unknown One Person's Point of View -

Life's a Bitch and so Are You! BANG and I pulled the Trigger. Everyone outside the airport started going crazy screaming all sorts about terrorist! Fools. As soon I shot one bullet, the rest of the guys knocked out Ja-ron, Latrell, Kay and Smirks. Shawn was the one I shot! Accident I must tell you, you see I was aiming for Latrell's head but now the Police are coming its just a bit to dangerous for me to blow another bullet and am not taking the risk.

Everyone else was laying on the floor unconscious on the floor, we could see the police coming so we just fled before finishing the Job. This is just part one the if they wont let me kill the suckers in one day, I'll do it as long as it takes.

We were all now at the warehouse where the mans were jamming, once we reached inside we all sat down and relaxed. I explained to everyone the situation and they said I should of just done it there and then but then again I aint willing to take any risk for no mans life!

Once everyone went back to there conversations I closed my eyes and caught some Z'z that I've been missing out for a while.

Eliot's Point of View -

I was at the airport doing my job, which was protecting Ja-ron. What's funny is this little youth don't even know about it. He was walking outside with his guys just messing about when we hear a Gun shot! I ran outside as fast as I could to see Shawn one of his guys on the floor bleeding from his Thigh. Ja-ron, Latrell and Smirks were KO'd but not bleeding just boxed up. I called for back up and they arrived before the police did. One group of the boys took Shawn, Latrell and Smirks to the hospital whilst the other group put Ja-ron in the back of my car.

Once everything was cleared up and the police arrived to check what was happening, me being a good Samaritan told them that I just took them to the hospital but never saw what happened. See I wasn't bothered to go into station and snake or get interrogated cause am black and doing some good, show a nigger some love next time.

I jumped in my car and drove off into the country side where we would al be staying for as long as it took to sort out this whole mess. Ja-ron was at the back sleeping and I was driving with my main guy Conan sitting in the passenger seat. It was a long drive and we both swapped after a few hours of driving. Once we finally got to the house, most of the guys came out to check what was going on and where we have been for the past week or so.

I asked the guys to take Ja-ron in and into his room seeing as I was as tired as hell and so was Conan. Once I got in the house I said come cool's to the guys and went straight to bed. I walked in my room to find the wife sitting whilst reading a book. I smiled at her, I loved my wife so much that the word love was an understatement. She saw me and put her book down, getting up from the bed grinning from ear to ear and jumping on me hugging me tight.

Rayleigh-"You came back" she said whilst still hugging me beaming with full of excitement, I nodded my head whilst bringing her out of my chest.

Me-"I told you I'm always coming back for you, trust" she nodded and smiled at me putting her head back on my chest and breathing in my smell.

Me-"Baby get back in bed I'm going to get changed and join you ok" I said whilst dragging her over to the bed and tucking her in whilst kissing her head. She nodded and went back to reading her book waiting for me.

See Rayleigh is just perfect, we've been going out for the past 5 years and its just been amazing really. I never let her out of my sight when she's with me and she's always got protection around her when am not. I never keep secrets away from her and she knows what I do for a living and all she could say was " I love you for you and for what YOU want to do, not Because I want to change you and turn you into an ideal boyfriend everyone will lust for" the first time she said that was when I knew I truly loved her.

I got myself changed and jumped into bed hugging her from the waist whilst she put her book away seeing as I switched off the lights. It would be an overstatement to say that she's a virgin and I've hadn't had a s*x in 5 years which is truly bullocks! But anyways we laid in a comfortable silence until we both drifted of to sleep.

Conan's Point of View -

After I walked into the house I didn't even bother hollering at any of the mans that were downstairs. I walked, no sorry I sprinted up to my current room to see my wife sleeping, wow she was beautiful. I love this girl so much!

Because there's only me, Eliot, Ray, Joel, Jamie and three more other guys in this enormous house we were allowed to bring out wife's but they had to stay with us until this would be over and no one really knew when. I brought Jay-Lee to keep her safe from all those people that hated her because she's my girl. Lee is the shy type doesn't like talking much but damn when she talks to me she can talk for the whole of Europe.

I got changed and jumped into bed and held her from the front whilst she out her head on my chest still sleeping but smiling at the same time. I gave her a kiss on her nose and drifted of to sleep seeing as tired was not the word.

Ja-ron's Point of View -

I tried my hardest to open my eye lids and after a few minutes my third attempt to open them was a success. I looked around the room to see that it wasn't the hospital nor my or any of the other guys rooms. I tried to get up so I could look around more but my feet were dead! I could literally not move them I tried my arms and it was the same.

I felt so disabled at the moment! I just could my eyes knowing there was nothing I could actually do about this so I drifted of to be.


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