Chapter 6.

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I woke up from a nightmare that scared me half to death. It was me having to choose between Trinity the beautiful creature living in this kingdom or Keisha the other beautiful but no longer my type , type of creature. The after rolling over and going through my hair a few times I realized that wasnt a dream. It was real life.

I laid on my bed and began playing the video game. I dont know if everyone does this in the morning but thats how I sort off start my day. My phone beeped indicating a message.

Bae : Good Morning My Prince

I looked at the message and regretted what I did next.

Me: Good Morning Baby , I miss you :)

Bae : Well about time you show me love

Me : Sorry it was alot on my mind yesterday , you know the studio and all

Bae : Yesterday you said school work

Me : Yeah , well that too

Bae : Okay see you in school today ?

Me : Wait what ? You are going to my school ?

Bae : More like our school . We will show all of them girls that been trying to get wit you ... to back off

Me : Sounds nice

 She texted me again but I didnt answer. I cant have her go to my school . Not with Trinity going there. How do you get over someone ? I turned off the game after robbing a bank on GTA V and making my way to the kitchen. I sat on the chair waiting for my food to come to me.  My mom just walked right past me with no words and Walter never even came to the kitchen.

" Hello ?". I called out

Nobody answered me so I just got up and made me some cereal. It was nasty by the way. I went and took a shower and put on some khaki shorts and a regular tee shirt. I fixed my hair you know did all the hygiene and left for school. I had to go pick up my boys because for some reason none of them be feeling like driving unless its taking a girl out.

Each of them was picked up and we made our way to school. When we pulled up Ray Ray and Prodigy both ran up to these 2 girls and starting hugging and kissing on them. I guess that was their girlfriend I am not sure. I was walking when I saw Trinity in the car with her mother but her mother was yelling at her and she began crying but just when I was about to walk to her I saw Keisha coming my direction. I quiickly turned and went into the school building looking obvious as heck.



I woke up to the sound of my phones alarm thingy . Just great another day of no sleep ? I hopped out of bed turning off the alarm set on my phone. I rubbed my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the lighting. I went into the bathroom where my little sister Daaja was in the bathroom showering.

" Daaja hurry up ! ". I yelled

" Shut up Trinity ". She said

" Daaja come on I have school to go too ". I yelled

" Dont we all ? Now bye ". She said

I sighed and went into my room and flopped onto the bed. I took some deep breathes and waited for Daaja to finish. Just when I began to smile from recieving a text message from Madison my mom came into my room yelling.

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