Chapter 10

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I just got back home from school and I am already going through all my clothes trying to figure out what I am going to wear to the beach. Some of you may think " Its a beach .. wear your swimsuit ". Duh I get that but I mean I need something thats going to scream " She is Hot ".

I put on my high-waisted shorts that show off my curves alot. Maybe wasnt the best choice but its going to be hot outside so , so what . After putting on my shorts I threw on a super cropped top that showed like my entire stomach but I had my swimsuit underneath.

"Madison ! ". Chantel yelled "Yeah wassup ?". I asked
"Why are boys idiots ?". She asked "I dont know you tell me ". I said

I walked into her room so I can see her . It felt weird to be talking to her from a different part of the house. Just yelling stuff about boys weirdness.

"Why you ask ?". I asked her "You remember Xavier ?". She asked "Yeah your ex boyfriend right ?". I asked
"Yeah . So he moved to Virginia and met this new girl named Keisha - ". She started "Wait Keisha ? ". I asked "Yeah, like come on? Really he could've done so much better ... I heard she was a whole slut and he still messes with her. Like tell me Mads really what sense does that make? ". She asked " wait I hear you Chantel but her name is Keisha right? Like maybe Keisha Vhango ?". I asked "Yeah thats her name,how do you know her, Mads?".Chantel asked "She goes to our school, I uh meant she went to, you know-". I said trying to think of what I could say "-just continue what you were saying". I stalled "Alright so she was with Xavier and they have been dating for like 8 months now and they still go out but she moved ". Chantel said "Alright what else ". I asked "So Xavier says that she has been texting this boy named Jacob , and this boy lives here where we live . So he starts talking about how he misses me and -". Chantel said getting cut off "Alright, so I need to go uhm here's 20 dollars buy yourself something nice and yeahI'll see you later ". I said rushing out of the room. "You dont want to hear the rest of the story?".She screamed to my room "Nope . not now sister I got some business to take care of ". I said

I left and made my way to the beach . When I arrived everyone was sitting around a campfire and talking except Roc, Diamond , and Keisha.
Where were they? I was going to say I didn't care but Roc was over there so I kind of wanted to know.

" Hey guys ". I said excited "Hey, you looking sexy Ma ". Prodigy said "I know ". I said "Where is your shirt !? ". Trinity asked "Im wearing it ". I said laughing "No you are wearing an eye patch ". She said

We all laughed at her comment and we talked and played together . We ran chased each other around and even hopped into the water for a bit . About 45 minutes later Ray Ray pulls out a bottle.

" Hey guys I got an idea ". He said holding the bottle up
"No I am not drinking alcohol ". Trinity said
"You dont have to we will ". Prodigy said

Everyone started drinking the alcohol except me and Trinity. Once the bottle was almost empty I just knew they were a little drunk. I took the bottle from them and dumped it all over Prodigys head and he picked me up from the legs and ran around with me around his shoulder.

It was fun I must admit.

Then Diamond and Roc showed up and he just zippened up his pants. My jaw nearly dropped. Why was he just zipping his pants up? and why is Diamond buttoning her shirt?

" What did you two just do ?". I asked "You already know what we did ". Roc said laughing

My mood was completely messed up . How could you sleep with this girl . She is definitly not a girl I want to hang out with . I couldnt believe she would do that with my boyfriend . I mean my uh . Not boyfriend .

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