First Time I see You

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Well today im kinda bored i wanted to go hangout with my friends but they all busy . So im goin to some chat site and live streaming on the internet , and then i go in there and i choose the country is (Netherland) cause i like a dutch man and then i goin live , when im goin live a lot of bad people in there i mean like they jerking off or something and i say "well its not gonna worth for me better i ended this live streaming hmm but let me try it one more time if i still find the bad one IM DONE" and i keep goin life and here we go i meet (not in person lol) a man wearing a gray Tshirt a hat and a lkng jeans with a cute socks . And he start converstation by saying
Dutch man: hey
Me :Hey How Are You?
Dutch man: im great how about you ?
Me : im great too thanks !
Dutch man : where are you from?
Me : Indonesia ,so you from holland?
Dutch man: nice and beautifull country.
Dutch man: Im James Van Basten btw And you???
Me : Im Lawrence Rebecca Jenner . Nice to meet You!
James : nice to meet you too . Such a beautifull name btw! Well how old are you??
Me : oh lol 😂 dank je btw im 18 y old how about you??
James : im 23 y old.
Me : nice! (Then suddenly i heard a sweet voice baby voice ) . Do You Have a Baby?
James : yes i do have a baby girl
Me : CUTE! So young daddy? Btw what is your baby girl name ?
James : Hahaha yeah young daddy ,proud daddy . Her name is Joey Van Basten.
Me : beautifull name . How old is she ?
James : Thank You ! She is 2 years old
Me :Nice ! So your married?
James : Nope im not , im single how about you?
Me : im very single .i just broke up
James : aww sad 😂 nice
Me : yeah thanks! Lol .
James : you've got snapchat?
Me : yeah i've got
James : May i have it??
Me : Sure! Why not . My snap is *******_******.
James : i already add you
Me : i do added you back
James : so do you wanna go to snapchat?
Me : sure!

So were chatting on snapchat not really chatting we just send a snap with a little text and i feel so tired cause its late on indonesia and i say to him "im goin take a nap so see you soon Bye"
And he say "night night bye"

Well see you on the next Chapter !!

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