I threw up lol

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Wassup hoes.

So I went to the bathroom in 1st period and I had to throw up. So I Went to the toilet and the first person I text is Keylin:

 So I Went to the toilet and the first person I text is Keylin:

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And then I texted my mom and then my grandma picked me up and we think it was the breakfast we had at school

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And then I texted my mom and then my grandma picked me up and we think it was the breakfast we had at school. Me, Keylin, Jessica, Melissa and a bunch of other people had breakfast st school and we all started feeling bad. I threw up and so did this other kid and yeah. Keylin went home and so did I. I'm also sick so I'm not doing well. Lesson is, don't eat the lunch or breakfast it school has :)

 Lesson is, don't eat the lunch or breakfast it school has :)

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Lesson with Alyssa Fernandez. Also, what do u think an me making videos? No? Ok imma do it anyways ok byeeeeee

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