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Tuesday evening (6-7)
I pulled up to the apartment and got out of the car. I walked up the stairs and unlocked the door. I walked to the bedroom and sat on the bed. I sighed heavily and looked over at the family picture we took before Eli was born. I shook my head and laughed. I took out my phone and dialed Laila's number. It went straight to voicemail. I stood up and walked into my bathroom and rinsed my face. I heard a knock on the door as I dried my face and walked up to the door. I unlocked it and stood there Mary and her daughter, Zaria.

"What?" I shrugged.

"Can we come in?"

I moved from the doorway and let them in. I put my tongue on my cheek and breathed heavily through my nose.

"Look Mary if you here to tell me some bullshit you can leave."

"Bullshit? NJ I'm pregnant with your child. That's not bullshit. That's real shit."

"Bitch, I didn't fuck you. I only kissed you. So I don't know how the hell you can get pregnant from a kiss."

"Nj cut the shit nigga."

"There is no shit to be cut."

"Nj baby she don't want you no more. I'm all you got. Me, Zaria, and the new baby. We are your new family."

"Mary get out."

"You just gonna treat your baby momma and step daughter like that?"

"I'll see you at the doctors office Mary."

"What about Zaria?"

"What about her?"

"Can you watch her?"

"Mary no, what the hell I don't know this little girl. I have things to do with my real baby mom anyways so you gotta go."

She slapped me across my face and made her way towards the door. It took me everything in my power not to slap her back. I opened the door and let her walk out before closing it again. I shook my head and made my way to my room. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

I pulled up to Katie's house and knocked on the door. The door opened and stood there a crying Laila. I pulled her into a hug and sighed.

"I'm sorry."

She shook her head and tried to move away from me.

"Lai. Come on. Where the kids?"

"With Katie."

"Ok come take a ride with me. Let's talk."

"For what."

"Laila don't do that."

"NJ I told you not to come to the house. I'll drive myself to the doctors office. Now leave please. I don't want to hear your lame ass excuses."


She shut the door in my face and locked it. I sighed heavily before taking a seat on the concrete. A red Chevy car pulled up into the driveway and Katie got out the car.

"Hey NJ. Why you sitting in front of my house? Laila should be inside." She said opening Nalani's door.

Lani ran over to me and gave me a hug. I held her and gave her kisses on her forehead. Katie walked over with Eli and stood over me.

"So you not going to answer my question?"

"Uh, your sister mad at me. I messed up. And she wants a divorce."

"You cheated on her?"

"Yea." I said putting my head down.

"I saw it coming. She saw it coming too. Which is why she's probably hurt. All those nights she allowed you to go to the club, she knew one day you were going to mess up she just didn't want to admit it but of course you are the father of her children."

"You think she'll ever talk to me again?"

"Laila is difficult. It might take her as long as years to talk to you or any guy."

I sighed and picked Lani up. Katie opened the door and let me in. I put lani down and watched her walk upstairs. I picked up Eli and cradled him until I saw Laila walk downstairs. She looked at me and shook her head.

"Katie, you let this stray dog in?"

"Yes.Laila stop being petty and talk to this man. For Pete stake he came to talk in person not on the phone."

Laila sighed and walked over to the couch where I was holding Eli.

Lani walked in the living room as well and sat next to her mom.

I cleared my throat and looked at Laila.

"First, Lai, I'm sorry..."

"If you can to give me a sorry ass apology to get me back you can go back to plan b and try again."

"Look, Lai, ill just be back tomorrow."

She nodded and got up. She grabbed Eli from me and walked me to the door. I hugged Lani before exiting.

What should I do?

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