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Mezmerelda's PoV

Grace is being dragged beside me with blood dripping from her head and wings. I'm not in any better shape. I have gashes covering my body with dried blood staining every inch of me.

The four people dragging us took us to a new cell. I can understand why. We just tried to escape from this HELL. One of the morons that held my little sister, Grace, opened the door in front of us. After that, they tossed the two of us in the damn cell. I got up soon after.

"YOU DAMN MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLES," I screech from the top of my lungs. I was definitely pissed as hell. All I wanted to do then and there was to murder one of those mother fuckers.

"Sis, you need to calm down. You're scaring the skeleton in here with us," Grace said slowly standing up and points to the skeleton in the corner of the room cowering. They looked to be about a year younger than me with a red scar like squiggle underneath a red eye light.

"Sorry about scaring you... I'm Mezmerelda Black Kiltair and the fallen angel next to me is my little sister Grace," I said kindly. Grace gave the skeleton a kind wave and the skeleton nodded to assure me that they understood.

"I'm Cross... Nice to meet you," the skeleton now known as Cross muttered just loud enough for us to hear.

"It's nice to meet you too! Sorry about my sister, she can get a bit pissy," Grace explained.

"Hay," I shout at her annoyed. Because of my little outburst, both Grace and Cross burst out laughing. After a little bit I joined in the laughter.

*time skip 20 weeks*

Cross, Grace, and I have become inseparable over the past 20 weeks. And we basically adopted each other as siblings. Grace is still the youngest and is constantly complaining about it. Cross is sort of like the middle child. I'm still the oldest and I tend to make sure that we are all fine after our "tests".

It was Friday at about noon that Cross came up with the plan. We were to break out of here at about half past four in the afternoon. Grace and I both agreed with it cause we're sick of being here. This was going to be dangerous, but it was worth the risk of being separated or worse killed.

*tem skip to the escape*

It was time to leave. Around now would be half past four in the afternoon. We basically busted down the door with our weapons at the ready. As we ran down the corridors, we killed every one of those assholes that we came across.

Right as we were about to leave, I heard children crying; causing me to stop. I turned around dispite my brother and sister telling me not to. I soon found myself in front of a door, that also got busted down, to see a whole group of four to six year olds. I honestly felt pitty for them. Then I heard a gasp behind me causing me to turn around just to see Grace and Cross stunned at the sight.

"We have to take them with us." I state full of pitty. They nod their heads and grabbed all of the petrified children, while I told the others to follow us closely. Once that was said, all of us bolted till we couldn't run anymore.

We stopped to rest at the edge of a forest. I looked at my siblings before I spoke.

"We should start a Mafia when I reach 18, so we can take care of these kids," I said calmly.

"I don't know sis... That's a long ways away," Cross pointed out.

"How about when you reach 16 insted? Wouldn't that be better," Grace asked. Cross and I nodded in agreement. My 16th birthday was only a couple of months away.

"Then it's decided. But where are we going to live," Grace said. Cross shrugged his shoulders. I glanced over at the forest. Something about it just made it feel safe for some reason.

"How about this forest? It's just something about it makes it feel safe," I inquire. Cross and Grace agreed with me instantly. So we started to hike into the forest.

Not too long after we entered, I heard muttering behind me. Then a tug on my ripped up sleave. I looked down and saw two animal halfs similar to me. One is female with light brown hair with brown blind like eyes. Her fur was a beautiful orange color with slight tints of gray. Her aura just screams shy and timid. The male, on the other hand, had darker brown hair and somewhat piercing green eyes. His fur was a brilliant white with pale yellow tiger stripes. He had this energetic and out going aura about him. They both looked at me with their eyes full of wonder.

"Miss, could I ask you something," the girl asked shyly.

"Of course, what is it," I asked with a kind smile. They then smiled back before continuing.

"Could you be my sister's and mine's mom," the boy asked happily. I nodded and they cheered. They were obviously overjoyed. But before they went back to their friend I ask for their names. The girl's name was Laura and the boy's was Tyler. I then turned around and told Grace and Cross the good news only to find out that Cross also adopted a skeleton boy named Pallet.

*time skip to midnight*

It was midnight. Everyone was extremely tired when it came into view. Right there in the middle of this clearing in the center of the forest was a gigantic tree that would put the tallest redwood to shame.

On some sort of instinct, I walked up to the tree and touched it. It started to glow a brilliant blood red. Then a village appeared in its branches. I noticed that there were three that matched mine and my siblings' styles. Those three houses were the fanciest ones of them all. With a bright smile on my face, I turned around and spoke.

"Looks like we found our new home."

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