when it rains

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I'm just gonna add drew in, maybe I'll do a catch up later.

he plays video games all day.
((If it's his day off of course))
his favorite is when you lean on him and watch him play. Finn will feel bad though when he jumps up and you were dozing off

he doesn't like not being able to walk or bike wherever. he likes to take you out to places a lot and he can't really do that when he doesn't have a car. but he's saving up for one. you guys usually listen to the cure or the police and sleep.

4 words

the wet dog smell kinda gets to him when he's helping out. it doesn't really bother you though. he likes rainy days because he gets to see you dry off the animals. you smile and play games with them. he loves it.

since you can't go to the park to get intoxicated and high you guys stay indoors.
if you aren't about that choice of living then you convince him to watch a movie with you

you were reading a comic book while he was head bunting the blinds. you look up and help him. Then you go back to your book.
"The sky must be granola cause it's sobbing."
You didn't even have to look up for your jaw to drop

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