ohhhhh boy. he gets jealous, very easily. but he doesn't make it obvious. he knows millions of people are watching him almost at all times, if he even dares to snake his arm around your waist and pull you closer to him it's gonna be all over. it eats him up inside. when you two finally get alone time he'll get all closed off and you'll have to talk to him.richie-
this boy
if someone is flirting with you that's when he'll get jealous, if you're talking to someone then he gets possessive.
when he's jealous he'll put his hand in your back pocket and squeeze your ass. or he'll put his arm around you.
when he's possessive he'll just say he's bored and stuff.tyler-
he's very chill actually, if someone flirts with you, you handle it. he trusts you 10000%mike-
jesus christ.
mike is probably the most jealous on this entire list. more than richie.
your his and only his, when he's jealous he'll hold you close and get all sassy to the person talking to you
"really last time i checked she's dating me."
"why don't you go off and find something better to do"
"you think she's pretty? i do too, beautiful in fact. but that's my job to call her that."boris-
he's not too bad.. but he gets possessive at times. he's just scared to lose you, being how you take care of him.
normally he'll just squeeze your hand more. if the person is crossing the line though.
that's when shit gets heated.