ṃєєṭıṅɢ ṭһѧṭ ғѧяṃ ɢıяʟ

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Link, POV:
I originally met this girl in an alternate reality. However, I'd like to talk about how we met in this one since she doesn't recall anything from then.

When the princess of Hyrule sent me back in time, it was requested of me to inform her young self about what may happen in the future. I forget a lot of things, considering there is a lot I must do.
One thing I do remember is how I first met the princess. In order to make my way to the castle, I had to wake up her father so he would move out of the way.
I received the cucco egg from her, as if it never happened before, I even forgot for a moment that I spent time at her ranch in the past. Or was it the future? I don't know, I'm only 10 in reality.
I informed the princess of Hyrule of Ganondorf's plan. However after that, it was my job to adjust to the life of being an ordinary Hylian.

I made my way to the ranch. She was there with her father as expected. I assumed she would call me "Fairy Boy." Then I forgot that everything was wiped from her memory and Navi had left me. She thought of me as just another Hylian from Kakariko Village, since she had never met me before (she thinks, at least). In reality, she found out I was an orphan and her father let me stay. We got along well, and waking up to the sound of her voice singing Epona's song was amazing every day. "Hey, listen!" wasn't enough for me. I wanted to be treated like a Hylian. I wanted to be seen as a member of the family.

I remember vividly her father's cucco game. Apparently he still plays it. I decided to play it for old times' sake. The words that slipped my mind before, he repeated,

"Would you like to marry Malon?"

Malon, POV:
It was just a normal day in Castle Town. My father was delivering milk for the royal family. It's been a while. However, I couldn't make it past the Hyrule Castle guards. Maybe I should find someone to help me...?

A boy I've never seen before arrived to town. He looks about my age, so I'm surprised he has never been to town before. He must be from Kakariko Village.
He also resembled a member of the mystical race from the forest. They are all children, and are called the Kokiri. They are all known to have their own fairies. Yes, you heard me right, fairies. I've never met one, because Hylians simply cannot make it past the Lost Woods. I would love to some day, but that is near impossible. However, this boy possessed no such fairy. And how would he even leave the forest?

Either way, he came an talked to me. I asked him to help me wake my father. I gave him a cucco egg that would soon hatch. He woke him and my father came back as we headed back to the ranch.

A day or two later, he arrived at our ranch. I was surprised, yet happy to see him. He spent much time here, and sometimes even came in at night. We let him sleep at the ranch and entrusted Ingo to watch over him. Me and my father ventured to Kakariko. We wanted to find the mother and father of this mysterious boy. We spoke to every resident of the village and no one knew who he was. Even after showing drawings of him. Apparently he's an orphan. Where has he been living all this time?

My father Talon offered to let him stay. I was rather excited, and we got along quite well. I'm glad he can finally be a part of a family. However, I don't really see him as a brother.

My father brought something up yesterday. It was said jokingly, however it really stuck with me.

"This Link boy, would you like to marry him? Heh heh."

((Tell me what you think of it and feel free to DM me if you have ideas! I'm also planning on writing one about Ilia and Link, so stay tuned for that! Thanks for reading!))

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