Chapter 1

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My life was ruined right when I come out of my mother. I hate my life. My mother is a drug addict and she only cares about getting drunk, drugs, and sex. I have 12 siblings all with a different dad. I have no real siblings or anyone real in my life at this point. I'm 18 and still live with 15 people in a apartment with 2 rooms and one bathroom. I am the oldest so I get blamed for everything. My real dad is somewhere in the world having a blast or dead for all I know. I need to find him. My mother is the devil and he could be my angel. I dropped out of school because I have to take care of my siblings because my mom doesn't. She is only home 2 times a week because she has a new boyfriend every week. I'm surprised she hasn't gone to jail yet to be completely honest with you.

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