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Violence broke out in the English Class the next hour. This hour was the prep hour and the kids from Wynrie's class always had to stay for the prep period. They just had extra time to work on English. Daemon had to either go to Science or English and he went to English. He despised Science class. The kids were all younger than him so the work they went over was too simple for him and they wouldn't let him get challenging work.

The kids were pushing the fuck out of one another. All cause they each wanted to input something stupid into a random ass conversation. Idiots! Wynrie had almost been hit a couple of times already. She needed Daemon.

She heard the sound of his shitkickers against the floor and she smiled brightly. He stood in the doorway of the English class. He looked around and spotted her in the center. He smiled. His demons showed up clear to her. She knew what he was going through. He saw hers too. He wanted to free her of hers though. He wouldn't allow her to free him of his demons. He just couldn't allow it to happen.

He walked over to where she was sitting and sat beside her. "Whatchya working on for this class," Daemon asked. "This essay about what we had to go through to get to the point in life we are now. It's kinda boring. I don't need people to feel sorry for me. I don't need attention or pity. Or worse... I like the class eitherwise though," she replied. He was fascinated with her answers. With her in general.

Brice, the bully jock of the school, walked into the classroom and took instant notice of Wynrie and Daemon. He grinned. He approached the table where they were sitting at, working. "Hey, Satanic boy. Hey there, Lil Emo girl. Just kidding. Hey, Daemon, Wynrie. What are you doing," Brice asked. "Her essay and my paragraph paper," Daemon replied back.

"How's Tate doing these days? How about Em? How's my Emby doing, Dae," Brice asked, infuriating Daemon. "That's not okay to do Brice. You need to learn where your place is. Where your crossing boundaries here," Wynrie said. He scowled low at her.

"You, bitch, don't tell me what I can and can't do. Just go be a slut somewhere else in return though. Hah! Learn your place. Whore," Brice replied. Tension grew between the three of them. It was like a two-on-one thing. Two against one.

"Take that bullshit somewhere else, huh Brice," asked Daemon. His tone was serious and firm and deep. An almost heaviness to it. "For real, that's a dick move, cocksucker," Wynrie added. Daemon turned around and smiled at Wynrie. It hit deep in her soul, his smile.

He turned back around, facing Brice. "I'm tired of y'all already. Getting under my skin. Don't need you. I don't need parents, already have em, fuckers, " Brice replied back. Daemon approached Brice. He quickly crabbed him off the ground by his collar and shoved him into the wall. He grabbed his throat, tightly. "Leave. Her. Alone. I mean it Brice. Don't make me tell you again...," Daemon said, in a deep voice.

Brice shook his head, agreeing to it. Daemon's eyes were glowing. He was enraged by Brice, unsafe as hell.  Daemon did know Brice would fuck with Wynrie again (cause that was him) and he'd have to step in and bust Brice up.  "I know where she resides, dumbass," Brice said to Daemon. "Don't you dare... Touch. Her., " Daemon shot back.  His voice shook deeply.  His words flowing out,  smoothly.

Wynrie's instincts to run were kicking in,  but she knew he was right,  he knew where she lived.  He would surely come over and harass her. All.  He. Pleased. Brice smiled wickedly at Wynrie, sending a shiver down her spine. This felt like something out of American Horror Story.

The devil was the puppeteer, Brice was his puppet.  It was crystal clear. The class bell rang,  announcing class was over and lunch began.  Wynrie quickly grabbed her belongings and hurried out of the room.  Daemon scowled.  He didn't like the fact that Brice had the upper hand against her.

Daemon hurried to catch up to Wynrie before she disappeared  on him. "Wynrie! Please, wait.," Daemon shouted. Daemon caught up to Wynrie before long.  "So,  I should stay over, on your roof, watching over you so he doesn't get you," said Daemon. She shook her head.  "I couldn't ask you to do that, not ever, "Wynrie mumbled back.

Daemon was frightened for her, now that he knew the lengths Brice would hit,  would cross and go beyond. That he would kill her. 

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